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Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100 _______________________________________________________________________________ I. Fill in the blanks. Answer ALL questions. (10 x 1 = 10)
1. All C statements must be terminated by a _____________. 2. _______operators are also called Boolean operators. 3. Sequential programming is also called ______programming. 4. The ________header file contains mathematical functions. 5. The _________statement allows conditional execution of group of statements. 6. Variables declared within functions are called ________variables. 7. For statement is a statement used in c.

8. An ______is defined as a set of homogenous data items. 9. Variable declared outside of any function is called _______variables. 10. The process of repeating sequence over and over again is called _______.

II. Explain briefly. Answer any TEN questions.

1. Write a short note on Stack. 2. Write a program to compare the length of two strings. 3. Write a program to check whether a number is prime or not. 4. How does the break statement differ from continue statement? 5. What do you meant by High Level Language? Give TWO examples. 6. Briefly explain the relevance of Flowchart in problem solving. 7. What do you meant by recursion? Explain. 8. Explain switch statement with an example. 9. Briefly explain about Structures. 10. Write a short note on Multidimensional arrays. 11. Briefly explain about sequential files. 12. Differentiate between local and global variables. 13. Write a program for matrix addition.

(10 x 4 = 40)


III. Answer any FIVE questions. Explain in detail.

1. What are structures? Explain. 2. Explain about operators. 3. Explain about passing values to a function. 4. Write a program to calculate the Fibonacci numbers. 5. Briefly explain the classification of computers. 6. What is a function? Explain how to passing arguments to a function?

(10 x 5 = 50)


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