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Square Town By:Chase Sandlin

Once upon a time in the land of Square town there was a crafty circle in a place of squares.The circle stole from the Square Town Bank. He could roll fast when the squares slowly flopped around.Even when the squares could catch up the circle could always hide very quickly. One day one of the Square Town Bank Guards (Squares) had been sitting on the bank side walk after the robbery.His friend Squarely came up to him."Vell you know vhat always vakes me veel better, vie from Squaremons vakery" said Squarly. "Yeah,pie,PIE that is it!"Squares ran to the bakery."I vonder vhats up with him", Squarly wondered.

That night the villain Circle rolled into the bank."He he he, they left the bank doors open",Circle said."STAHP" yelled Squares.The circle wheeled out of the bank and into his hiding spot in the ally."Oh-no,I lost him" Squares mocked."Well anyway,I hope this pie dose not get cold" Squares mocked.Squares silently pulled out the pie. The circle couldn't stand it he jumped out and dived for the pie."Ha I knew it, all villains love pie.The circle layed down, his face stained in pie. At the station Squarely,Squares,and the lead square were locking up the Circle."Good job, you caught inmate 3.14" said the Lead Square."Oh I found the circle, 3.14 with pie."Said Squares."Vait a second, vats the vay to find the vircumfrence!"said Squarly. "Indeed we have only been able to find squares,now if we multiply whatever the circle's diameter is and 3.14 we can get the circumfrence!"said the lead square.

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