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Movie Vision

Minutes of meeting 06 February 2013 Agenda

To check the preparation of movie vision activity to be held this Thursday (7 February 2013). In the meeting following points were discussed Prof. Anjali Mishra showed earlier activities slides as an example of what has to be done and promoted discussion for the updating of activity. With due discussion of members following activities were decided for7 February activity. Groups were divided (8 groups with 7 members) although it is tentative. Three activities were finalized namely: Dumb charades, Quiz and creativity design.

Topics and character name finalized in the meeting for dumb charades. Quiz was also prepared and raw material for creativity design has been arranged. All activities expected time has also been finalized.

Members Present Prof Anjali Mishra Prof Prashant Prabhakar Prof Yusuf Mehdi Prof Manish Kumar

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