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Littering Habits in America

Littering Habits in America

1.What is litter? Litter is when people throw trash in the floor. Litter is consists when people deposited trash the have been deposited in others people property. To litter means to through objects onto the ground living them as depositing theme there. Litter have exist sins a long period. They trough a lot of trash to the oceans 2.Why do people litter? People litter because there are too lazy to trough it to the trash can. They also litter because they do not feel responsible for republic areas like streets and parks. The more people litter the most habit becomes to anther people. People usually litter outside their own neighborhood. People litter because they think other people are can all pike

Littering Habits in Lisbeth America

Baltazar Sandra Farfan Period; 1

Littering Habits in America

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