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ouse Guard Character Worksheet Fur Colour: Parents:

Friend: Artisan:

Enemy: Mentor:

1 6
Cloak Colour:
Character Concept: Guard Resources:
In winter, do you still practice a trade like Base:
weaving, smithing or pottery for the Guard? tenderpaw 1
You may not take the Leader trait to start. guardmouse 2

Are your parents smiths, politicians, merchants patrol guard 3
Guard Rank: or apiarists?
Your parents must be of the noted trade
patrol leader 4
guard captain 5
and may not be in the Guard.
Do you like to buy gifts for yourself and your
Age: Will: Health: friends?
If so, decrease your Resources by 1.
Are you thrifty?

You may not take the Generous trait to start.
Mouse Nature: Have you ever been in debt? Or are you
Do you save for winter even if it means going generally bad with money?
without something now? If so, decrease your Resources by 1.
You may not take the Bold or Generous traits. Do you always pack carefully for a journey,
When confronted, do you run and hide? ensuring you have everything you need?
Decrease your starting Fighter skill, You may not take the Bold
if you take it, by 1. or Fiery traits to start.
Do you fear owls, weasels and wolves?
You may not take the Fearless trait.

Total: 3 + number of checks

7 Guard Circles:
Is your mouse gregarious? Does he have lots of Base:

friends? Does he make friends easily? tenderpaw 1
Where Were You Born? You may not take the Bitter or Jaded traits. guardmouse 2
Do you have strong ties to the Guard? A family patrol guard 3
tradition or allies within the Guard? patrol leader 3
Your parents must be in the Guard guard captain 4
Skill: Trait: or your mentor must be family.
Has your character accomplished some great

Starting minimum: 1
Life Experience: task in the Guard? Does he already have a
Note the deed in your character background.
Natural Talent: Does your character have powerful enemies in
the Territories?
Parents' Trade: If so, reduce Circles by 1.
Has your character been convicted of a crime?
Convincing: If so, reduce Circles by 1.
Is your character a loner, tough and cool?
Senior Artisan: If so, reduce Circles by 1.
You may not take the Extrovert trait.

Mentor Focus:

Guard Skills:
8 Mouse Traits:
Innate Quality:

Parents' Teaching:
R ewards

1 Fate
Tenderpaws only 1
Life on the Road: Patrol leaders & captains

9 It's What We Fight For

Belief G ear


Specialty: Instinct
Wise Skills:

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