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Puddings and sweets are not usually eaten after meals

If you are a Hindu then meat from cows is forbidden

Chapattis are eaten instead of rice or bread

In the north, people eat more meat which is cooked in ghee

The use of different spices is a main feature of Indian food


Most chinese cooking is done over a fire or on top of a cooker. A work is used for this

After the savoury dishes some fresh or preserved fruit is eaten


Most meals involve rice. This is very plentiful in China is usually steamed or fried

The food is fried and steammed

All the savoury dishes are served at the sama time

The heart of Japanese philisophy of eating, so the fish and sellfish caught in the sees of Japan are often eaten raw, or lightly cured with vinegar or salt

The beauty of the Ukiyo-e style lies in its economy of line and simplicity, and it is this same elegant minimliasm that is found in all good Japanese cooking

Japanese cooking retains the fresh quality of vegetables and rarely mixes different food type

This contrasts with other cuisines that use long, slow cooking tecnique, often with the additional of sauces and spices

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