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The Shirley and Leonard Goldstein Lecture on Human Rights


Zach Wahls

What Makes a Family?

Tuesday, 12 March 2013 7:00 p.m. The Thompson Center at UNO
Zach Wahls tried to answer that very question when he testied before the Iowa House Judiciary Committee in January, 2011. The son of two lesbian mothers, the 19-year-old University of Iowa engineering student had no idea that his heartfelt testimony that day would spread like viral wildre. Just two days after he testied during that hearing, however, a YouTube video of his testimony went viral, garnering nearly two million views with millions more via Facebook, Twitter, national and international television, and other online media. Zach shares a story that has never before been told, and offers a fresh, bold perspective on a recently rekindled -- and always contentious-- issue: gay marriage. Is samesex marriage a human right?

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