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2.2. Dead Mens Path

Chinua Achebe
2.2.1. Content The story tells from Michael Obi, who is the new head teacher

at themissonary Ndume Central School in Nigeria. He is a very motivated anddynamic teacher and has lots of progressive ideas for the school. Oneof those is to make the schoolyard more

beautiful and that for hecreated a few flower beds (=Blumenbeete) and tidied up theschoolyard.The next day he saw a woman from the town walking straight over theschoolyard

trampling the new flowers. A teacher from the school tells Obi, that theres an old path through the schoolyard which is anyhow important for the citizens of the town. But even though Michael Obicloses

the path, because he thinks it is unusual for citizens to walk overthe schoolyard destroying the flowers.When the citizens noticed this the religious leader, the Ani, comes toMichael Obi and tells him politely

about the importance of the path forthe native population, but Michael Obi still leaves the path closed,which is supposed for the spirits of the death and newborn people.In the next night a young

women in the town dies in childbed and thecitizens are convinced that this had happened because the path isclosed and so they went to Ndume Central School and ravage theschoolyard. They

even pull down one school building.The next day the supervisor comes to write a report about Michael Obis work at the school. When he sees the ravaged school he writes abad one

about Obi in which he mentioned that the head teacherignored the traditional conditions and caused a kind of tribal war(=Stammeskrieg) . 2.2.2.

Setting The story is set in the 1950s in Ndume Central School in Nigeria. Nigeria wasback then under British rule and had several missionary schools just like theone in the story.The schoolyard

is the most important place in the short story. However itlies between the town and a shrine on a path on which, after traditionalbelieve, the spirits of the new-born children arrive and on which the spiritsof the

death persons leave. Furthermore is the path the way, on which thedeath relatives of the citizens come to visit. So the closing of the path is a serious problem for thenatives and they see this, when the

spirit of the newborn child cant come over the path and the mother dies in childbed.

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