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School of Business Course No: MGT303 Class: BBA Max.

Marks: 30

LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY HOMEWORK 1 Department of Management Course Title: STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Semester: 3 Date of Allotment: 15/01/2013 Section: SP301 Date of Submission: 27/04/2013

Name of the faculty member: Puneet Bawa

Objectives of Academic Activity Training in Case Analysis



Model Write up- 5 marks, Presentations-10 Marks, Analysis-10 Marks, question handling-5 Marks

Case This is a group assignment. Analysis & Cases has been given to group of the Presentation students(5 students in each group).students have to give presentation on the given case. Cases has been mentioned in the tutorial plan.

Presentation will be evaluated on the basis of team work, quality of presentation and satisfactory answers to the queries of the audience.

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