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includes all abiotic and biotic factors in one particular environment

Biotic Factors
the living parts of an ecosystem

Abiotic Factors
the nonliving parts of an ecosystem

2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX

Biotic Factors
include plants, animals, fungi, microorganisms

2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX

Biotic Factors/ Components

These are the living things an environment. Biotic means living, and biotic factors are the other, living parts of the ecosystem with which an organism must interact. The biotic factors with which an organism interacts depend on whether it is a producer, a consumer, or a decomposer.

2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX

Examples of Biotic Factors

2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX

Biotic Factors
interact with each other in complex such as ways also interact with abiotic factors in the ecosystem

parasitism mutualism competition

dependent upon water, minerals, temperature, light

2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX

Abiotic Factors
include air, water, soil, temperature, wind, source of energy (usually sun)

2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX

Abiotic Factors
abiotic- without life Refers to those environmental factors that are not alive, the non-living components of the environment.

2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX

Examples of Abiotic Factors

2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX

Difference Between Biotic and Abiotic factors

The difference between these two factors is that biotic deals with the living parts of the environment and abiotic deals with the nonliving part of the environment, Eg, the sun, which is an abiotic factor aid in photosynthesis for plants, which is a biotic factor that makes food

2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX

2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX

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