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Name (Your name goes here) Class (example: History 119) Student Learning Objective #1.

The student will gain knowledge of historic particulars and historical methodologies. Citation Here should be a bibliographic-style citation of the source of material used in the paper. Example: Smith, Al. American Cultures: Readings in Social and Cultural History. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall-Hunt. 2000. Citations will duplicate the above standard format. Sources may be from articles, books, documentaries, lectures, and personal communications from qualified historians. There should be no sources that are internet information bases, such as Encarta or Wikipedia. Abstract No less than 100 words that distill the work in question into simple clear statements of meaning and content. If you have never done a summary or abstract of a written work, go to the library & look for The Historical Review, or some other review. Also, the net may provide examples. Critique No less than 150 words that discuss how the work in question helped you understand the Student Learning Objective. #1 how the book contributes to the understanding of the subject of your SLO (located at the top of the syllabus). #2, you should show how the book relates to the other books you selected. Grade it with a comparative example. #3, you should show the intellectual background of the author of your source. This is where you tell me what type of interpretive angle (Feminism, etc.) the historian is using to explain persons, events, or phenomenon of history. What social institutional values are being reflected? Is there a cultural aspect of the presented material?

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