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Subj ect Tot al
ex pect ed
Quest i ons
book s
( Mar at hi )
book s( Engl i sh)
1 Art s ( kal a
30 Ksagar , Not es UPSC CSP Guide
2 Eco &
( vanij ya)
30 Ranj an

( Bhagirat h
& B.A.Books
3 S&T
( vidnyan
t ant radnyan)
30 Ranj an

( Bhagirat h
pub) OR
& Set h pub SYBA
Env book
(Mumbai uni v)
4 Agri cul t ur e
( Krishi)
30 R. kolambe OR
pr akashan book
& Pr agat i MPSC
5 Current
30 St udy cir cle &
Chankya Mandal
St udy
circle, Chankya
Mandal magazi ne
6 Ment al
abilit y
50 Books by
Dandekar &
Dandekar / Ankalgi
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9T4| V| 4||
1|748 |( 9 ) 91|H| : -

\) v | b | 14|H1T9 ( T* c3|) | 9134 [| 3943 H[ 3
Specialy 4@Hc3| ||, H1|| 4 P4 4H1 41|P||.
2) MPSC : P 9 P|H|7 HH3| || By Anant Pat il ( 1s| P4 H
PSI / STI / ASST( 9 ) 91|H| P 9 P|H|7 HH3| ||
BY | 94| 1|H g 9||H.

1|748 |( RC4) 91|H| : -

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( [ 9134 MPSC | P 91|H|P|| 3943 H[ . )
H| H1||- 1|7P | HE 91|H| BY 4 P|"1 94|T
) 0H| : Ren & mar t in/ palan sure/ Agarwals english not es.
) P|H|7 H : 9 91- \ BY 34|1|H H|H ( P| 94|T)
9 91- BY 34|1|H H|H ( P| 94|T)
v) 3[|P : 9 91\ BY s|. H1 4 "|4|s ( 1|H| 94|T)
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Det ail H|P|P|| 9.4|. Pd| & 9|. 9P. 4|d 41 P1
( | [| 9134 |9 T43|.)
Reference List of Books for Prelims and Mains

Gener al St udi es
Geogr aphy Opt i onal
Opt i onal Hi st or y - I ndi an Hi st or y
Publ i c Admi ni st r at i on- Opt i onal

Gener al St udi es
A) I n di an Hi st or y
NCERT Books- 11
t h
and 12t h st andar d. ( Ancient I ndia, Medieval I ndia, Moder n I ndia ( Old and
Moder n I ndia: -
q I ndia s St ruggle for I ndependence - Bipan Chandra
q Modern I ndia- Grover & Grover
q Modern I ndia- S. N. Sen.
q Modern I ndia - Spect rum Publicat ion
q TMH Gui de- for Ancient I ndia Medieval I ndia Moder n I ndia
B) Geogr aph y
t h
t o 12
t h
St andar d.
q Gohcheng Leong- Cert ificat e Physical Geography.
q I ndia Year Book- For relevant St at ist ical dat a.
q One At las ( St andard) for St udyi ng of t he maps ( Orient Longman)
q Prat iyogit a Darpan
q Wizard Speci al issue
q Relevant Manor ama Year Book Mat t er
q Hindu- Special issue on- I ndust ry, Agricul t ur e
C) I ndi an Pol i t y
q NCERT- 10
t h
and 11
t h
St andar d
q Our Parliament - Subhash Kashyap
q Our Const it ut ion Subhash Kashyap
q I nt roduct ion t o t he
D. D. Basu.
Const it ut ion of I ndia
q I ndian Const it ut ion- Bakshi
q Special issue- Wi zard
q Special issue- Prat iyogit a Darpan.
Page 2 of 8 - MPSC English Books list
D) I n di an Econ om y
q Evolut ion of I ndian Economy- NCERT Book
q I ndian Economy Dut t a and Sundaram
q Special issue- Prat iyogit a Darpan. ( Year ly)
q Economic Sur vey
q Chroni cle Economy Wat ch sect ion
q Wi zar d- Economy updat e
Sect ions
Economy Wat ch
q Special art icles fr om Economic Times.
q ET Classroom From Economic Times.
q Yoj ana- Mont hl y
E) Gen er al Sci ence
NCERT = - 5
t h
t o 10
t h

TMH Gui de
Science Repor t er - Mont hl y
F) Ment al Abi lit y
Ment al Abili t y Book- R. S. AARWAL
G) Cu r r en t Af f ai r s -
Chr onicle, Daily Hi ndu, One Marat hi Daily Newspaper .
Special issues Ci vil Servi ce Times ( CST)
Wizar d, Yoj ana, Kumkshet r a, Lokraj ya,
H) Apar t Fr om t h i s,
For Mar at hi Medium St udent s Following List is Useful
1) P|3|[4 P4|d - d T H|1| 1|H HO
2) H H - 4|[| H H 4
3) PH|H 94|H 94|- H|P4
4) H 4|H 94- H|P4
5) H|13- H|P4
H|4Pc3| HH|H H c3|3 91| ( d1 P|H|1|)
I ) An al ysi s of Last Fi ve y ear s UPSC- Pr el i ms.
G.S. Quest ions is essent ial t o use r eading ( Books)
mat eri al very effect ively.

Geogr aphy Refer ence Books
NCERTS are useful for ever yt hing except Thought Port ion and must be r ead t hor oughly bef or e going
for any special ized book.
Ph ysi cal Geogr aph y : NCERT.
Cer t ificat e physical geography by Goh- Cheng- Leong
Physical Geography by Savindra Singh
Physical geography ( made si mple) by Rupa publicat ion ( Biogeography Sect i on)
I nt eract ion Not es.
Geogr aph y of I ndi a: NCERT ( old and new ver sion bot h)
Com pr eh en si v e Geogr aph y of I n di a by
Kh ul l ar ( New Edi t i on )
Hu man Geogr aphy : NCERT ( old and New)
Made Simple series Rupa publicat i on
( Social and economic geography only for Set t lement s t opic)
K. Siddhart ha Vol. 1 for obj ect ive t ype of infor mat ion e. g. populat ion dat a.
Economi c Geogr aphy: NCERT ( Old and new )
Hu man an d econ om i c geogr aph y by
Leon g and mor gan ( Wh ol e book )
( Fact u al dat a- u pdat ed t h r ou gh i n t er net )
Vol. 1 of K Si ddhar t h a- For recent economic dat a.
Page 3 of 8 - MPSC English Books list
Made si mpl e ( Soci al an d economi c)
o f Ru pa pu bl i cat i on .
Regi on al Geogr aph y of t h e w or l d: l an d an d peopl es NCERT s
t h
, 7
t h
and 8
t h
st d. NCERTs.
Wor ld Regional geogr aphy by Manku.
St udy of t he maps Or ient Longman and TTK.
Geography t hrough Maps by K. Siddhar t ha.
Geogr aphi cal Th ou ght : Evolut ion of geogr aphical Thought by
Maj id Hussain ( must ) K.Si ddhar t ha Vol. 1
( for addit ional inf ormat ion)
Geography Thought - Maj id Hussain
Evolut ion of Geogr aphical t hought Adhikari
Car t ogr aphy : NCERT s of 11
t h
and 12
t h
st d.
Pract ical Geography by R. L. Singh.
Cart ography port i on of St rahl er and St rahler
Physical Geography.
Vol. 1. of K. Siddhart ha.
Aft er reading all t he basic books you can see for ext ensive converge vol . 1. K. Si ddhar t ha.
Here t he addit ional infor mat ion will be available t o supplement . But dont st r ict ly rely on t hi s
guide use it as a r eady reckoner.
Map- Or ient Long man.
Oxford - I ndia
t t k Map

Opt i onal Hi st or y - I n di an Hi st or y
Readi ng Li st
1) NCERT 11
t h
& 12
t h

Ancient , Medieval, Modern ( Ol d 7 New)
2) Hist ory of Early I ndia-
Romila Thapar
3) Ancient I ndia
R.C. Muj umdar
4) Ancient I ndia-
D. N. Zha.
5) Hist ory Sout h I ndia-
K.Nilakant h Sast r i
6) Medieval I ndia-
Vol I , I I , I I I J. L. Meht a
7) Medieval I ndia-
Vol I , I I , I I I Sat ish Chandra
8) Wonder t hat was I ndia-
A. L. Basham
9) Wonder t hat was I ndia-
S. A. Rizvi
10) I ndias st r uggle for I ndependence-
Bipan Chandra
11) Modern I ndia-
Grover and Grover
12) Modern I ndia-
Sumit Sar kar .
13) I ndia aft er I ndependence-
Bipan Chandr a.
14) I ndian Hist ory-
V.K. Agnihot r i Guide
15) I ndian Hist ory-
K. Reddy Guide
16) Gazet t eer of I ndia-
Vol I I .
17) I GNOU-
Anci ent , Medi eval, Moden
Page 4 of 8 - MPSC English Books list

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Publ i c Admi ni st r at i on Opt i onal
1) Public Admi nist rat ion
Maheshwari and Awast hi
2) I ndian Administ rat ion
Mahershwar i
3) Admi nist rat ive Thikers-
Prasad & Pr asad.
4) Public Admi nist rat ion- Reader-
Mohit Bhat t acharya.
5) Fi nancial Admi nist rat ion-
Thavaraj a
6) Admi nist rat ive Theory-
S. R. Maheswar i.
7) Public Admi nist rat ion ( Mai ns) -
Fadia and Fadia
8) I ndian Admi nist rat ion ( Mai ns) -
Fadia and Fadia
9) Public Admi nist rat ion ( Pre. )
Laxmikant Guide
10) Publi c Admini st rat i on: Concept and t heor y-
Rumki Basu.
11) Public Admini st rat i on & Public Affair-
Nicholas Henr y.
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