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Database Management

What is a database ?
1. A database is a set of data which are modifiable and accessible by a computer program.
text, image, voice, structured information.
2. A database is a set of data which are . structured . integrated . non-redundant . shared

It is a source of data for a large number of different applications and for a variety of users.

Data Elements
Employee database
Payroll file Remunerations

Employee record1

Employee record2

Employee record3

Employee record4

Name SSN Salary Name SSN Salary Name SSN Salary Name SSN Salary

Text: OBrien : p. 144

Logical Data Elements

represents an attribute of an entity

Set of attributes that describe an entity

set of records of the same type transaction file, archive file, ...

integrated set of logically related files and the rules they have to satisfy

Text: OBrien : p. 145


Employee database

Payroll data
Person data Training data

What Is a DBMS?

A very large, integrated collection of data. Models real-world enterprise.

Entities (e.g., students, courses) Relationships (e.g., Tarkan is taking CENG302)

A Database Management System (DBMS) is a software package designed to store and manage databases.

Database Management
User Inquiry



Database Management System

Corporate database
Text: OBrien : p. 146

CARS (model, #cylinders, origin, tax, fee) Model #cyl origin tax fee -----------------------------------------------------Rabit 4 Germany 15 30 Mustang 6 USA 0 45 Mirafiori 4 Italy 18 30 Accord 4 Japan 20 30 Cutlass 8 USA 0 60 Laguna 4 France 20 30 BMW 6 Germany 15 45 Velsatis 6 France 20 45 Velsatis 4 France 20 30 Origin tax #cyl fee

Work with DBMS-software

Operating system

DBMS Application programs

Data Dictionary

Database development Database inquiry Database maintenance Application development

Text: OBrien : p. 147

Dictionary Access

Text: OBrien : p. 149

Database Inquiry

Query Languages
Select Name, department, salary From Employee, Payroll Where Employee.number = Payroll.number and Function = Analyst. Employee Name number num number num function Analyst department salary


User interface

Query language

Report generator

DBMS utilities

Application generators

Data-dictionary programs

Host-language Program Interface

DBMS kernel program

Problems with files

Data redundancy Non-integrated files Data dependency Other problems

inconsistency integrity

Possible solutions : database management system

separation of files and applications specific database languages central dictionary

Characteristics of databases
. storage cost . multiple update needed

. inconsistency possible

Data independence
The degree on which data structures can be modified without affecting the related programs Solution : Database architecture with three levels ( conceptual, internal , external )

Types of Databases

Operational databases (subject area databases SADB)

transaction databases, production databases employee database, stock database, ...

Analytical databases ( management databases )

data retrieved from external and operational databases Accessible for OLAP, DSS, management information systems

Data Warehouses
contain historical data from various operational and external databases central source for standardized and integrated data for management and users data mart is a limited version for a specific subject used for data mining

Text: OBrien : p. 150

Types of Databases


Distributed databases
mostly for local needs, can be copies consistency problems distributed over servers related, eventually via WWW or intranet

Personal databases for end users

various data gathered by users on their workstations eventual with spreadsheet or DBMS

External databases
often access charge statistical , bibliographical

Text: OBrien : p. 151-153

Types of Databases
Client-PC or NC


External databases

Distributed databases

Network server

Operational databases

End-user databases
Text: OBrien : p. 151


Management databases

Hypermedia DB on the WEB


Internet intranet extranet

Web-server software
Client-PC or NC

Network server

Text: OBrien : p. 153

parts of a Web-information system

Hypermedia database

Data Resource Management

Policy governing data ownership and access control Data Resource Requirement Planning Data model and data architecture Strategic and technical database planning Define applications Procedures for data retention Operational procedures Physical database Logical database Data dictionary HW and SW

Data administration Data Planning

Database Administration

Text: OBrien : p. 154

Benefits and Limitations

Benefits of a DBMS
reduces data redundancy and integrates data data accessible from all programs programs not dependent on data format query/answer and reporting facilities easier application development and programming better integrity and security

Limitations of a DBMS
increased complexity of the technology development of large databases is difficult and expensive slower than file management systems due to additional layer more sensible for fraud, errors and failures

Hierarchical Database Structure

Department data element

Project A data element

Project B data element

Employee 1
Text: OBrien : p. 158

Employee 2

Network Database Structure

Department A

Department B

Employee 1

Employee 2

Employee 3

Project A
Text: OBrien : p. 158

Project B

Relational Structure
Department D# D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 Employee DName location Manager



D1 D1 D2 D3 D3

Text: OBrien : p. 158

Object Oriented Structure

Attributes Object class client Bank account status interest Operations payment withdrawal Object class Checking account Attributes credit limit monthly statement Operations calculate interest print status


Object class Saving account

Attributes number of withdrawals Quarterly statement Operations calculate interest print quarterly statement

Text: OBrien : p. 161


Technical aspects

Technical Principles of database management

Physical Logical



Aspects of file usage

File activity
input 2000 orders processing 20% Client file 100% 10000 records 0.01%

revenue state 1 instruction inquiry

1 inquiry

Accessibility Evolution

Number STUDIES Diploma year Name City

CHILDREN First name Birthday

12 Duval Rome 16 Krols Dublin 38 Smets Berlin

college 87 master math 94 econ 90 Accounting 94 college 91 Bache elec 94

john 120694 inge 241198 lidy 070296 Carl 040894

Supplier file


SNAME De Smet Janssens Blanchart Clark Adams

STATUS 20 10 30 20 30

CITY London Paris Paris London Athens

Supplier file with index on city

Supplier file SNUM LNAME S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 De Smet Janssens Blanchart Clark Adams STATUS 20 10 30 20 30 City London Paris Paris London Athens

Athens . London . London .



Index on city and index on status

Supplier file
City-index LNUM LNAME
Athens . London .

STATUS 20 10

CITY London Paris

. . . . . 10 20 20 30 30

S1 S2

De Smet Janssens

London .
Paris Paris . .

S4 S5

Clark Adams

20 30

London Athens

Non-dense index
Supplier file

S2 . S4 . S5 .

SNUM SNAME S1 De Smet S2 S3 S4 S5 Janssens Blanchart Clark Adams

STATUS 20 10 30 20 30

CITY London Paris Paris London Athens

block 2 block 3 block 1

File Organization: Indexed-sequential

Bens Dooms Fagin

parameters - index block size - data block size

multi-level index blocks

Adams Albert Bens Bodoo Claes Codd Dooms
Ernest Fagin

data blocks

Ace Adams

Ademar Behr Bens Aerts Albert


Fully Inverted file

SNAME-index STATUS-index City-index Supplierfile Athens S5-> S1 London S1->,S4-> S2 Paris S2->,S3-> S3 S4 S5

De Smet Janssens Blanchart Clark Adams

S1-> S2-> S3-> S4-> S5->

10 S1-> 20 S1->,S4-> 30 S3->,S5->

Sample file
Supplier file
SNUMBER S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 SNAME De Smet Janssens Blanchart Clark Adams STATUS 20 10 30 20 30 CITY London Paris Paris London Athens

Organization with key transformation


1 S300 Blanchart 30 Paris


5 S200 Janssens 10 Paris

7 Adams 30 Athens
9 S100 De Smet 11 Clark 20 London


20 London

10 S400 12

Database Development
1.Data Planning 2. Specification gathering 3. Conceptual design

4. Physical design
5. Logical design
Text: OBrien : p. 164

Data Modeling
Entity-relation diagram EMPLOYEE






Text: OBrien : p. 165



The university that has to keep track of student transcripts could use a database structured as follows. Student(Student Number - Last name - First name - SSSN - Street - Nr - Zip Code - City - State - Country - Phone Number - Birth Date - Gender Class - Major - Minor)

Department(Depart. Code - Name - Office Nr - Office Code)

Course(Course Code - Course Name - Description - Credits - Department) Section(Course Code - Section Nr - Instructor - Semester - Year) Transcript(Student Number - Name - Course Code - Section Number Grade)


Drivers having a driver-no , a name , a home address and a birthdate take out vehicles to make deliveries. A vehicle ( with a unique id-number ) may be taken out of a depot whenever available and kept out for any length of time . It is possible for a vehicle to be taken out more than once on a given day by any driver . Each time a driver takes out a vehicle , he or she takes out a load made up of any quantity of any number of item types , identified by an item-number. Every time a vehicle is taken out , the driver can incur expenses of allowed type (e.g. fuel cost ). Each expense type has a code-no. The amount and code-no are recorded each time an expense is incurred . Any number of stops can be made during the trip . An address of the stop is recorded for each stop , together with the quantity left on that stop for each item type . A driver stops at an address only one during a trip . However, stops can be made at the same address on different trips.

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