JB Letter of Support

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PO Box 6 Beerwah Qld, 4519 07 5494 0929/ 0418 727 659

20 February 2013

To Whom It May Concern, Over the past year I have been involved with the Darra Community Group Inc., local Centenary Village residents, and participants as a community artist in a flood recovery project. Throughout this intimate process, I have been struck by the tireless commitment of the Darra Community Group Inc., the resilience of the community itself, the Darra Community Hall, the services this focal point provides, its historical relationship to the community and the beauty of the asset itself. It is established near a significant wildlife corridor amongst a small housing estate next to a council owned green oval or park. This creates a friendly and personable village atmosphere. The hall is central to this community and a broad variety of community groups. It provides a critical meeting point in times of need (eg: recent flooding), community facilities, and a venue for minimal hire that beneficially ripples throughout community and the people who utilize it. It is also the place of numerable local social events within the community, as well as being the nerve center for the infamous Darra Street party. The goodwill this hall generates is invaluable. Darra Community Hall is quite exceptional in regards to this positive placement within both site and community. As a community artist with over 25 years experience, I feel this place bears all the signposts of a healthy community with a view to a positive future. This is rare in a relatively low income area. Most contemporary community planning strives to achieve precisely what already exists in this Centenary Villiage precinct. To deprive this community of the hall would most definitely be major step backwards; particularly in the long term and in the current world so sadly lacking in this sort of authenticity. Such places hold a unique place in our society, that every successful place maker, community development person, developer and architect aspires to. Darra already has this. Dont deny this community of its precious hub. Sincerely,

Julia Bell

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