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Womans role in society

I remember watching a movie some time ago,an interesting one if you ask me, and what drew my attention most was a caracters line Eloquence in a woman means promiscuity.
Promiscuity of the mind leads to promiscuity of the body. She doesn't believe it yet, but she will. She'll grow up just like her mother. Marry, raise children and honor her family. Spend her youth in needlepoint and rue the day she was born a girl. And when she dies, she'll wonder why she obeyed all the rules of God and Country for no biblical hell could ever be worse than a state of perpetual inconsequence.And it made me think. What role does the woman actually have in society?What is expected from her?To marry,have children and be obedient?Its so unfair when you think that women are made to belive from infancy that they have to be loving and obedient wives<that they have to forgive and tolerate their husbands behavior,when, on the other hand is educated to belive that he can do whatever he wants simply because he is a manWhy is it that a man has more freedom and privileges then a woman?Why is it that when a man has meny sexual partners he is considered a macho but when a woman does the same shes considered a tramp?Is it me or is the woman cast aside,disconsidered in some cases or simply not treated rightAnd this type of mentality is not from centuries ago nor from decades ago but from now,from a cuple of days ago, from a cuple of hours ago, we actually think it in this very momentand it,s unfair. From where I stand woman has evolved in time with the society she belonged to.Over time,Eves daughters have succeded in proving even to the most misoginistic of minds that they are capable not only to do house choors and raise children,but to actually obtain success in different other arias.Today,s woman is,without a doubt,the result of hundreds of years of hard and relentless work with the only purpose of achiving a much coveted goal :freedom.

Each woman in particular has a very different view about everything.The 21 centurys woman,for instance,in our country is nothing else then a copy of the 20 centurys woman in USA.I must remind you that we were under the communist regime in the past century so the development of womans intellect is a consequence of that reign.she wasnt allowed to have an abortion,she wasnt allowed to expres herself freely nor was she looked upon as a capable person,in a few words she was being cast out of all the areas in which her opinions might have mattered.All of these has disappeared with the communist regime,so woman has evolved together with the times in which she lived in. I am a strong beliver that todays woman was born to lead,to make things happen(things that men arent capable of doing, because there are things that men arent capable of doing).If you listen to opinions of centuries ago or ask a man he will almost always reply with questions like "Have you ever seen a woman become president?".Over time men

have ruled this world simply because they obtained power through and not necessarily through not denying that there are still capable men out there,even more capable then 10 women together but those are few and rare in between.Anyhow one thing is certain, that ther isnt such a thing as perfect,and women have theyr bad sides also.Unfortunately todays woman focuses to much on her struggle for power that most of the time she forgets that her feminine side should be part of her life.She should take things slowly,relax but she shouldnt forget that she still has a long way to go.

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