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Predict what might happen after people successfully land on Mars?

Running head: Predict what might happen after people successfully land on Mars? With increasing population, rapid and unplanned industrialization and deforestation, our planet is facing grave challenges in the form of environmental pollution, global warming, acid rain, ozone depletion, water scarcity and food shortages etc. They have become threat not only to the existence of human life but also to animal and plant life. For our survival, we have to look at solution. Albert Einstein, few centuries ago had suggested this. To quote Einstein We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive. Life on planet Mars is certainly going to be a long lasting solution to many of the serious problems being faced by the inhabitants of earth.

It is beyond doubt that the resource supplies of Earth are dwindling and our numbers are continuing to explode. We are already exceeding the carrying capacity of the planet and further growth will do nothing but continue to destroy our host the Earth. Our global resources of water and food are already stretched to the breaking point. So our burgeoning population cannot rely merely upon our planetary resources. We have to look beyond and find out alternatives. The planet Mars would share the burden of its neighbor. It would accommodate and sustain at least a quarter of its sisters children. The natural resources of Mars i.e. land; water, air, plants, oceans, rivers etc would be explored and utilized entirely for the benefit of mankind on earth.

The planet Mars can be utilized for settlement of men on earth and for agricultural purposes for sustaining ever increasing population. Today agricultural lands are being converted into settlement due to urbanization and increasing population. To search out an agricultural land for livelihood mass cutting of forest land is also occurring. Settlement of people on planet Mars

Predict what might happen after people successfully land on Mars? would end this search and further cutting of trees. Production of food grain on Mars would end the global food shortage. It is quite ironical that in spite of our advancement in science and technology, and impressive economic growth, there are 950 million people globally suffering from hunger and malnutrition. The UNO Hunger Summit held in Rome in November 2009 vowed urgent action to combat food shortages. To quote Ban Ki Moon, the UN Secretary General, The food crisis of today is wake up call for tomorrow. By the time World population reaches some nine billion in 2050 we will need to grow seventy percent of more food. Here the planet would come as our savior on this front also.

The planet Mars would also help us to overcome the problem of global warming. Due to race for development, the concentration of green house gases is increasing in the atmosphere at an alarming rate. As a result of this the average temperature of atmosphere, landmass and ocean is increasing. It is estimated that due to global warming the level of oceanic water during next fifty years would be raised around 2-3 meters and most of coastal regions would be submerged. There are two approaches to check global warming. One is use of Carbon sequestration technology that is to keep carbon-di-oxide out of earths atmosphere by storing it somewhere else. Another approach is to reduce production of green house gases. Oceans and lands explored over Mars would provide us space not only for carbon sequestration but also for development of eco friendly industrialization.

Besides positive happenings, we have to be cautious to the happenings; landing of men over Mars might unfold. There is always a possibility of struggle and war among nations of world for supremacy over the resources of Mars. History is witness to many wars fought to acquire control

Predict what might happen after people successfully land on Mars? over new territories. Our planet has witnessed two world wars, a long drawn cold war among two super powers for supremacy and control. Likewise Mars might also face same undesirable happenings. We may face another world war, though not of same nature and magnitude, and the theatre of war this time may be Mars. This may be a serious threat to the peace and stability of our earth. However if we are ready to learn from our mistakes, we can avoid this unhappy situation.

Thus in nutshell, landing of men over planet Mars would open not only many opportunities but also some threats. We can overcome our problems like Global warming, food crisis, ecological imbalances, deforestation etc. but we should not allow history to repeat itself and safeguard ourselves from temptations, greed and lust for power and aggrandizement. we have to approach opportunities with balanced mind.

Predict what might happen after people successfully land on Mars?


The work is an original work of author based on personal experience and knowledge

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