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Name: Jessica Krebs Social Class: Knight


Middle Ages Webquest #5 Religion Research Chart

Answer (Your research): Source Information: (*more than web address *author, date of access, copyright/update date) Langley, Andrew, Geoff brightling, and Geoff Dann. Medieval Life. New York: DK, 2011. Print.

1. What was the main religion in Europe during this time?

Christianity was the main religion.

2. What was the role of the Church in peoples lives?

People got married, had their last rights read, baptized and many more important events in the church. Almost every aspect of people's lives were influenced by Christianity. The churches were too small for the growing population.

Langley, Andrew, Geoff brightling, and Geoff Dann. Medieval Life. New York: DK, 2011. Print.

3. Why were huge cathedrals built?

Langley, Andrew, Geoff brightling, and Geoff Dann. Medieval Life. New York: DK, 2011. Print.

4. What are some key architectural components of the cathedral?

Some key architectural components of the cathedral were buttresses, large window, and arched roofs.

Langley, Andrew, Geoff brightling, and Geoff Dann. Medieval Life. New York: DK, 2011. Print.

5. Visit two the virtual tours below. I thought the cathedrals were very Describe your reaction to the detailed and very large. pilgrimage to these Cathedrals. feature=player_embedded&v=O5 Z1gxGhRQQ Producer: Denmarkrot. Date of access: February 19, 2013. Date published: February 20, 2008. AND feature=player_embedded&v=Ra2 t3S8jp8w Producer: Blad771. Date of Access: February 19, 2013. Date

published: March 13, 2010.

6. What is a Pilgrimage? What was the book Canterbury Tales about and who wrote it?

7. What are the 7 Sacraments and why are they important? Provide as much detail as you can find.

A Pilgrimage is a religious journey. The book Canterbury Tales was written by Geoffrey Chaucer and is about a group of people from different social classes traveling to England as pilgrims. On the way to England, everybody in the group trades stories. The seven sacraments are Baptism, First Communion, Reconciliation, Confirmation, Anointing of the Sick, Holy matrimony and Holy Orders. Baptism is when someone is initiated into the Christian church. First Communion is when you receive the body and blood of Christ. Reconciliation is when you ask for forgiveness for your sins. Confirmation is when you are anointed with the holy spirit. Anointing of the Sick is when you are blessed to become prepared for the coming of the afterlife. Holy matrimony is when you become united with another person in the eyes of God. Holy Orders is when you become part of the sister/brotherhood. The seven sacraments were important because that was important so they would have a good afterlife. Author: Date of Access: February 19, 2013. 1997

My religious upbringing.

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