Assessing Speaking and Listening

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Assessing Speaking and Listening notes made in July 2009 APP guidelines for speaking and listening are

e due to be published in January 2010, for use with pupils from September 2010.

Current AFs for speaking and listening will be reduced to four: AF1 Talking to others AF2 Talking with others AF3 Talking within role-play and drama AF4 Talking about talk The criteria for speaking and listening that follow could be used by departments as an interim measure, i.e. until APP guidelines for Levels 1 8 (and accompanying Standards Files) are available. However, please note that this is NOT an official SNS or QCA assessment document. The statements have been derived from the National Curriculum Attainment Target descriptors, hence cover Levels 4 8 only, allocated to relevant AFs. Statements in italics are objectives from the renewed English Framework 11-16. They are included to illustrate what attainment in different aspects of talk might look like.

Assessing Speaking and Listening

Talk in purposeful and imaginative ways to explore ideas and feelings, using non-verbal features for clarity and effect Talk with confidence in a range of contexts Develop ideas thoughtfully Describe events and convey opinions clearly

Listen and respond to others, identifying main ideas, implicit meanings and viewpoints, and how these are presented Identify the most important points or key ideas from a talk or discussion

Adapt and vary structures and vocabulary according to purpose, listeners and topic, including use of standard English Recognise different conventions and forms in speech Adapt spoken language appropriately to suit task, purpose and audience Use some of the features of standard English vocabulary and grammar Identify key features of speech in a variety of contexts, and some key skills and strategies used by speakers Adapt spoken language to suit the situation Begin to use standard English in formal situations Adapt talk to the demands of different contexts, purposes and audiences with increasing confidence Demonstrate knowledge of language variety and usage effectively Use standard English fluently in formal situations

Make a range of contributions when working in groups, shaping meanings through suggestions, comments and questions, and drawing ideas together Listen carefully in discussions Make contributions and ask questions that are responsive to others ideas and views

Create and sustain different roles, adapting techniques in a range of dramatic activities to explore texts, ideas and issues Work on own and with others to develop dramatic processes, narratives, performances or roles


Use some verbal and non-verbal techniques to make talk interesting for listeners Talk with confidence in a wide range of contexts, including some that are formal Begin to vary expression and vocabulary to engage the interest of the listener Engage the interest of the listener through the variety and liveliness of vocabulary and expression Tailor the structure and vocabulary of talk to clarify ideas and guide the listener Engage listeners' attention and interest by using a range of different verbal and non-verbal techniques Use vocabulary in precise and creative ways Organise talk to communicate clearly Develop and choose effectively from a repertoire of verbal and nonverbal techniques which actively involve listeners Structure talk clearly Use apt vocabulary and appropriate intonation and emphasis Sustain the interest of listeners and influence their responses by selecting effective verbal and nonverbal techniques

Sift and summarise the most important points or key ideas from a talk or discussion

Pay close attention to what others

say Ask questions to develop ideas Make contributions that take into account others views Begin to take different roles in group discussion

Explore ideas, texts and issues through a variety of dramatic approaches and conventions Comment on the effectiveness of the different dramatic conventions and techniques used

Explain the speaker's intentions

and make inferences from speech in a variety of contexts Explain the effect of specific features of speech, the skills and strategies used by speakers, and identify areas for improvement

Take an active part in discussions, taking different roles Show understanding of ideas and sensitivity to others Listen carefully, ask pertinent questions and make suggestions in order to solve problems and test ideas

Use specific dramatic approaches and conventions in structured ways for effective exploration of ideas, texts, issues and themes Evaluate the impact and effectiveness of a range of dramatic conventions and techniques

Respond to speakers and give

constructive feedback, analysing skills, subject matter, intended listeners and the purpose of talk

Confidently match talk to the demands of different contexts, including those that are unfamiliar Use standard English confidently in situations that require it

Make significant contributions to

discussions, evaluating others ideas and varying how and when to participate Move a discussion forward by developing and drawing together ideas arising from discussion Make a range of contributions that show perceptive listening and sensitivity to the development of discussions Choose appropriately from a wide variety of roles and apply the skills they require to plan, organise or sustain a range of different discussions

Develop and sustain a variety of processes, narratives, performances and roles through the selection and adaptation of appropriate dramatic conventions, techniques and styles

Analyse the underlying themes or

issues in a range of different contexts, identifying implied and explicit meanings and the speaker's intentions

Select from a wide repertoire of

resources and ways of organising and structuring talk to present information appropriately and persuasively for listeners in a range of familiar and unfamiliar contexts Use standard English confidently in a range of situations, adapting as necessary

Analyse and explain, in and out of

role, the use, impact and effect of different dramatic conventions and techniques

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