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1511/1 SOLAF 2 Science 2011 Paper 1 1 hours




Paper 1

One hour and fifteen minutes



This question paper consists of 18 printed pages SULIT


Which of the following activity is controlled by proprioceptor? Antara berikut, aktiviti manakah dikawal oleh deria kinestesis? A drawing a scenery melukis gambar pemandangan B C D shooting a hunted deer menembak rusa yang diburu walking on a log to cross a river meniti titian untuk menyeberangi sungai pull a hand when touching hot object menarik tangan apabila tersentuh objek tajam

Diagram1 shows an endocrine gland in human body Rajah 1 menunjukkan satu kelenjar endokrin dalam badan manusia.
Gland P Kelenjar P

Diagram 1 Rajah 1 How the hormone secreted by gland P is transfered to the target cell? Bagaimanakah hormon yang dirembeskan oleh kelenjar P dipindahkan ke sel sasaran ? A B through lymph vessel melalui salur limfa through blood vessel melalui salur darah C D through nervous system melalui sistem saraf through immune systems melalui sistem keimunan

The height of student A and student B are recorded in the Table1. Ketinggian pelajar A dan pelajar B direkodkan seperti dalam Jadual 1. Student Pelajar A B Table 1 Jadual 1 Height Ketinggian 1.8 m 2.3 m


SOLAF 2 The average height of human is 1.7 m. Which gland secretes excess hormone in student B? Purata ketinggian manusia ialah 1.7 m. Kelenjar manakah yang merembeskan hormon berlebihan pada pelajar B? A Thyroid Tiroid B Adrenal Adrenal C Pituitary Pituitari D Testis Testis

What is the function of medulla oblongata? Apakah fungsi medulla oblongata? A Controls the rate of heart beat Mengawal kadar denyutan jantung B Controls the size of pupils Mengawal saiz anak mata

C Receive and interprete impuls Menerima dan mentafsirkan impuls D Control body balance Mengawal keseimbangan badan

Which inherited disease is suffered by an individual that has 3 chromosomes at the 21st pair? Penyakit baka manakah yang dialami oleh seseorang yang mempunyai 3 kromosom pada pasangan ke 21? A Hemofilia Hemofilia B Colour blindness Buta warna C Sickle cell anaemia Anemia sel sabit D Downs Syndrome Sindrom Down

Which of the following is true about non-identical twins? Antara berikut yang manakah benar tentang kembar tak seiras? A The zygote formed after fertilisation splits into two. Zigot yang terhasil selepas proses persenyawaan membahagi dua. B C D Two ova are fertilized by two sperms. Dua ovum disenyawakan oleh dua sperma. Both foetuses share the same placenta. Kedua-dua fetus berkongsi plasenta yang sama They always have the same gender. Jantina mereka sentiasa sama.


SOLAF 2 7 Diagram 2 shows a stage of mitosis. Rajah 2 menunjukkan satu peringkat mitosis.

Diagram 2 Rajah 2 What will be the number of chromosomes in each daughter cell when the process of mitosis is complete? Berapakah bilangan kromosom dalam setiap sel anak setelah proses mitosis selesai? A Six Enam 8 B Four Empat C Three Tiga D Twelve Dua belas

Diagram 3 shows the inheritance of colour blindness. Rajah 3 menunjukkan pewarisan bagi buta warna
Colour blind father (Bapa buta warna) XY

Carrier mother (Ibu pembawa) X XX


Gamete (Gamet)

Offspring (Anak)

Diagram 3 Colour blindness is caused by the mutated recessive gene, X b. Which offspring is a colour blindness carrier? Buta warna disebabkan oleh gen resesif termutasi, Xb. Anak yang manakah merupakan pembawa gen buta warna? A R B Q C P D S


SOLAF 2 9 The elements in a periodic table are arranged according to the Unsur-unsur didalam Jadual Berkala disusun mengikut A B nucleon number nombor nukleon proton number nombor proton C number of neutrons bilangan neutron D number of isotopes bilangan isotop


Based on Table 2, which elements are isotopes? Berdasarkan Jadual 2, manakah unsur-unsur yang merupakan isotop? Elements Unsur P Q R S Nucleon number Nombor nukleon 12 13 14 16 Table 2 Jadual 2 A Q and R B R and S C P and S D P and Q Number of protons Bilangan proton 6 6 7 8 Number of neutron Bilangan neutron 6 7 7 8


Pure water can be produced from polluted water by Air tulen boleh dihasilkan daripada air yang tercemar dengan cara A evaporation penyejatan B distillation penyulingan C boiling pendidihan D crystallization penghabluran


Which of the following difference between metals and non-metals is correct? Antara perbezaan logam dengan bukan logam yang berikut, manakah yang betul? Metals Logam Non-ductile Tidak mulur Dull surface Permukaan pudar Low melting points Takat lebur yang rendah Good conductors Konduktor yang baik Non-metals Bukan logam Ductile Mulur Shiny surface Permukaan berkilat High melting points Takat lebufr yang tinggi Poor conductors Konduktor yang lemah



SOLAF 2 13 Which of the following is a physical change? Manakah antara berikut adalah perubahan fizik? A Heating of zinc carbonate Pemanasan zink karbonat B. C D Boiling of water Pendidihan air Heating of iron and sulphur Pemanasan besi dan sulfur Putting a piece of calcium into water Meletakkan secebis kalsium ke dalam air


Diagram 4 shows an experiment to study the heat change in a chemical reaction. Rajah 4 menunjukkan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji perubahan haba dalam satu tindak balas kimia.

Beginning of End of the the experiment. experiment. Permulaan Akhir eksperimen eksperimen Diagram 4 Rajah 4 What type of reaction is involved? Apakah jenis tindak balas yang terlibat? A Neutralization Peneutralan 15 B Endothermic Endotermik C Exothermic Eksotermik D Decomposition Penguraian

The following information shows about metals P, Q and R. Maklumat berikut tentang logam P, Q dan R

Metal P reacts vigorously with cold water Logam P bertindakbalas cergas dengan air sejuk Metal Q does not reacts with cold water or steam Logam Q tidak bertindakbalas dengan air sejuk atau stim Metal R reacts with steam but not with cold water Logam R bertindakbalas dengan stim tapi tidak dengan air sejuk


SOLAF 2 Which is the correct ascending order of reactivity of matels P, Q and R ? Urutan menaik yang manakah betul tentang kereaktifan logam P, Q dan R? A 16 Q, R, P B P, Q, R C R, Q, P D Q, P, R

Diagram 5 shows an electroplating of an iron ring. Rajah 5 menunjukkan proses penyaduran cincin besi

Iron ring cincin besi Diagram 5 Rajah 5 What is solution X ? Apakah larutan X? A B Aluminium nitrate Aluminium nitrat Iron (II) sulphate Ferum(II) sulfat

Silver argentum Solution X larutan X


Silver nitrate Argentum nitrat Copper (II) sulphate Kuprum (II) sulfat


The following information shows the properties of a radioactive ray P. Maklumat berikut menunjukkan sifat-sifat satu sinar radioaktif P. negatively charged bercas negative attracted by positive charges ditarik oleh cas-cas positif can be blocked by an aluminium boleh dihentikan oleh sekeping aluminium What is P? Apakah P? A Alpha particles Zarah alfa B Beta particles Zarah beta C Gamma radiation Sinar gamma D Neutron Neutron


SOLAF 2 18 Which of the following is caused by radioactive radiation? Manakah antara yang berikut disebabkan oleh sinaran radioaktif? A Greenhouse effect Kesan rumah hijau B Acid rain Hujan asid 19 C Global warming Pemanasan global D Mutation of living cells Mutasi pada sel-sel hidupan

Diagram 6 shows a nuclear reaction. Rajah 6 menunjukkan satu tindakbalas nuklear. Light nucleus Nukleus ringan

X Heavy nucleus Nukleus berat Diagram 6 Rajah 6 What is particle X? Apakah zarah X? A Proton Proton 20 B Electron Elektron Light nucleus Nukleus ringan

C Nucleon Nukleon

D Neutron Neutron

Which of the following materials is mostly used to keep the radioactive substances? Antara bahan-bahan berikut, yang manakah paling banyak digunakan untuk menyimpan bahan radioaktif? A Lead Plumbum B Aluminium Aluminium C Carbon Karbon D Zinc Zink


Diagram 7 shows an image formed by a convex lens. Rajah 7 menunjukkan imej yang dibentuk oleh sebuah kanta cembung. Convex lens Kanta cembung


Diagram 7 Rajah 7 8


SOLAF 2 Where is the position of the object? Di manakah kedudukan objek tersebut? A Twice the focal length Dua kali panjang fokus B The same as the focal length ama dengan panjang fokus 22 C Less than the focal length Kurang daripada panjang fokus D More than twice the focal length Lebih daripada dua kali panjang fokus

Which of the following is an effect of light dispersion? Antara yang berikut, yang manakah kesan penyebaran cahaya? A The formation of a rainbow Pembentukan pelangi B The blue sky Kebiruan langit C The formation of white light Pembentukan cahaya putih D The red sky Kemerahan langit


Diagram 8 shows the addition of coloured light. Rajah 8 menunjukkan penambahan cahaya berwarna.

Blue Biru

Green Hijau

Red Merah

Diagram 8 Rajah 8 What is the colour seen at the region X? Apakah warna yang kelihatan di kawasan X? A Magenta Magenta 24 B Yellow Kuning C Cyan Sian D White Putih

If a white shirt is to be turned to an orange colour, which colour dyes must be used? Jika baju putih hendak dijadikan warna jingga, apakah pencelup-pencelup warna yang mesti digunakan? A Blue and green Biru dan hijau B Green and red Hijau dan merah C Red and blue Merah dan biru D Yellow and red Kuning dan merah


SOLAF 2 25 Diagram 9 shows the arrangement of atoms in a substance. Rajah 9 menunjukkan susunan atom dalam sesuatu bahan Pure atom Atom tulen Foreign atom Atom asing

Diagram 9 Rajah 9 Which of the following substance has the same arrangement of atoms as in figure ? Bahan yang manakah mempunyai susunan atom yang sama seperti rajah ? A steel keluli 26 B iron besi C copper kuprum D aluminium aluminium

The following information shows the equation for the production of urea. Maklumat yang berikut menunjukkan persamaan untuk menghasilkan baja urea. Condition F Gas E + Ammonia Gas E Ammonia What is gas E and condition F? Apakah gas E dan keadaan F? Gas E A Carbon dioxide Karbon dioksida B Carbon dioxide Karbon dioksida C Nitrogen Nitrogen D Nitrogen Nitrogen Condition F Keadaan F 200C, 500 atm 200C, 200 atm 200C, 200 atm 200oC, 500 atm Keadaan F Urea Urea



SOLAF 2 27 The information shows a word equation of Haber process. Maklumat menunjukkan persamaan perkataan bagi proses Haber Iron filling Serbuk besi + Hydrogen Hidrogen 200 atm, 450o C 500oC Ammonia Ammonia

Nitrogen Nitrogen

What happens when the temperature decreased to 200oC? Apakah yang berlaku apabila suhu diturunkan kepada 200oC? A B More ammonia is produced Lebih banyak ammonia dihasilkan Solid ammonia is produced Pepejal ammonia terhasil C D The reaction becomes faster Tindakbalas menjadi cepat The reaction becomes slow Tindak balas menjadi lambat


What is the effect of toxic waste disposal from chemical industries to the environment? Apakah kesan pelupusan bahan sisa toksik dari industri kimia terhadap alam sekitar? A B C D Global temperature to increase Peningkatan suhu dunia Thinning of ozone layer Penipisan lapisan ozon Destruction of aquatic life Kemusnahan hidupan akuatik Disruption of photosynthesis in green plants Gangguan ke atas fotosintesis pada tumbuhan hijau


Which of the following is an example of fungi?

Yang manakah antara berikut ialah contoh kulat?



SOLAF 2 30 Which of the following disease can be treated using antibiotics? Antara penyakit berikut, yang manakah boleh dirawat menggunakan antibiotik? A AIDS Aids B dengue fever demam denggi C cholera taun D hepatitis B hepatitis B


Diagram 10 shows a type of microorganisms. What is the most suitable temperature for microrganims growth? Rajah 10 menunjukkan sejenis mikroorgansima. Suhu manakah yang paling sesuai untuk mikroorganisma itu membiak? Sporangium Sporangium

Diagram 10 Rajah 10 A 32 10oC B 25oC C 35oC D 37oC

Diagram 11 shows microorganisms J, K, L and M. Rajah 11 menunjukkan mikroorganisma J, K, L dan M.

Diagram 11 Rajah 11 Which classification is correct? Manakah pengelasan yang betul? Algae



J and M
J dan M

K and L
K dan L

J and L
J dan L

K and M
K dan M

K and L
K dan L

J and M
J dan M

J and K
J dan K

M and L
M dan L



SOLAF 2 33 The following information shows the characteristics of the modern cure Maklumat berikut adalah menunjukkan ciri-ciri rawatan moden Chemical compounds Sebatian kimia Can be injected Boleh disuntik Examples: Tetracyclines to treat cholera Contoh : tetrasiklin untuk merawat taun

Which cure has this characteristics? Rawatan manakah yang mempunyai ciri-ciri tersebut? A antiviral antiviral B antifungal antikulat C antibiotic antibiotic D antiserum antiserum


The diagram 12 shows the roots of a leguminous plant. Rajah 21 menunjukkan akar tumbuhan kekacang.

Diagram 12 Rajah 12 What type of bacteria is found in S? Apakah jenis bakteria yang terdapat dalam S? A C Nitrogen fixing bacteria Bakteria pengikat nitrogen. Denitrifying bacteria Bakteria pendenitritan B Nitrifying bacteria Bakteria nitrifikasi

D Putrefying bacteria Bakteria pereput



SOLAF 2 35 Diagram 13 is a graph showing the total energy required by men of different occupations. Rajah 13 ialah graf yang menunjukkan jumlah tenaga yang diperlukan oleh lelaki yang berlainan pekerjaan. Total energy/kJ Jumlah tenaga/kJ Q

Diagram 13 Rajah 13 Which occupation represents Q? Pekerjaan yang manakah mewakili Q? A Clerk Kerani 36 B Doctor Doktor

Type of occupation Jenis pekerjaan

Labourer Buruh

D Teacher Guru

Diagram14 shows a change in the lumen size of an artery. Rajah 14 menunjukkan perubahan saiz lumen arteri.

Diagram 14 Rajah 14 Which class of food can cause the change? Kelas makanan yang manakah boleh menyebabkan perubahan tersebut? A Protein Protein B Fat Lemak C Roughage Pelawas D Carbohydrate Karbohidrat



SOLAF 2 37 A farmer finds that his land is infertile. Which natural method can be used to overcome this problem? Seorang petani mendapati tanahnya tidak subur. Apakah kaedah semulajadi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah ini? A B Add chemical fertilizer Menambah baja kimia C Cultivate terraced planting Menanam tanaman berteres Plant leguminous plants Menanam tumbuhan kekacang

Build a good drainage system D Membina sistem saliran yang baik


Which of the following processes increase the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide? Antara proses-proses berikut, yang manakah meningkatkan kepekatan karbon dioksida di atmosfera? A Transpiration Transpirasi B Respiration Respirasi C Photosynthesis Fotosintesis D Evaporation Penyejatan


The nitrates in the soil are returned as atmospheric nitrogen by Nitrat di dalam tanah dikembalikan sebagai nitrogen di atmosfera oleh A B Nitrogen fixing bacteria Bakteria pengikat nitrogen Denitrifying bacteria Bakteria pendenitritan C Nitrifying bacteria Bakteria penitritan

D Cholera bacteria Bakteria kolera


Which of the following is not an effect from the burning of fossil fuels? Antara berikut yang bukan akibat pembakaran bahan api fosil? A Global warming Pemanasan global B Acid rain Hujan asid C D Depletion of ozone layer Penipisan lapisan ozon Air pollution Pencemaran udara


The following information shows the negative effect of an environmental phenomenon. Maklumat berikut menunjukkan kesan negatif fenomena alam sekitar. Flood in low lying areas Banjir di kawasan rendah Increase in Earths average temperature Peningkatan suhu purata bumi Melting of polar ice caps Peleburan ketulan ais di kutub

What contributes to these effects? Apakah yang menyumbang kepada kesan-kesan ini?



SOLAF 2 A Landslides Tanah runtuh B Depletion of ozone layer Penipisan lapisan ozon C Eutrophication Eutrofikasi

D Global warming Pemanasan global


What are hydrocarbons? Apakah hidrokarbon? A B C Compounds that contain carbon Sebatian yang mempunyai karbon Compounds that contain hydrogen Sebatian yang mempunyai hydrogen Compounds that contain hydrogen, carbon and oxygen Sebatian yang mempunyai hirogen, karbon dan oksigen

D Compounds that contain hydrogen and carbon only Sebatian yang mempunyai hirogen dan karbon sahaja 43 Which of the following is not caused by taking too much cholesterol in the diet? Yang manakah berikut bukan disebabkan mengambil terlampau banyak kolesterol dalam makanan? A Diabetes Kencing manis 44 B Heart attack Serangan jantung C Stroke Strok D Arteriosclerosis Arteriosklerosis

Diagram 15 show the structure of a soap molecule. Rajah 15 di bawah menunjukkan struktur molekul sabun. P Diagram 15 Rajah 15 The structure labelled P will dissolve in Struktur berlabel P akan larut dalam A fat lemak B water air C palm oil minyak sawit D grease gris


Vulcanised rubber is stronger than natural rubber because Getah tervulkan adalah lebih kuat dari getah asli kerana A its has low melting point ia mempunyai takat lebur yang rendah B the presence of sulphur makes it more dense kehadiran sulfur menjadikan ia makin tumpat



SOLAF 2 C there are cross-linkage formed between the sulphur atoms and the rubber molecules terdapat ikatan silang terbentuk antara atom sulfur dengan molekul getah D it is less durable ia kurang tahan 46 Which of the following sequence is correct for the four stoke diesel engine? Antara urutan berikut, yang manakah betul bagi enjin diesel empat lejang? A B C D Intake stroke Compression stoke Power stroke Exhaust stroke Lejang pengambilanLejang mampatan Lejang kuasa Lejang ekzos Intake stroke Compression stoke Exhaust stroke Power stroke Lejang pengambilanLejang mampatan Lejang ekzos Lejang kuasa Intake stroke Exhaust stroke Compression stoke Power stroke Lejang pengambilanLejang ekzos Lejang mampatan Lejang kuasa Intake stroke Exhaust stroke Power stroke Compression stoke Lejang pengambilanLejang ekzos Lejang kuasa Lejang mampatan


Diagram 16 shows a ticker tape section for a moving trolley. Rajah 16 menunjukkan keratan pita detik bagi gerakan sebuah troli. Direction of motion Arah gerakan

. .

Diagram 16 Rajah 16 A Zero velocity Halaju sifar B Uniform velocity Halaju seragam 48 C Increasing velocity Halaju bertambah D Decreasing velocity Halaju berkurangan

Which statement is correct about the principle of Bernoulli? Pernyataan manakah yang betul tentang prinsip Bernoulli? A Pressure applied to fluid is transmitted equally in all direction. Tekanan dikenakan pada bendalir dipindahkan dengan nilai yang sama pada semua arah B C D Pressure increases when portion being submerged increases Tekanan meningkat apabila bahagian tenggelam meningkat Pressure exerted by a liquid varies with depth Tekanan dikenakan oleh cecair berubah dengan kedalaman Pressure of a fluid decreases when its velocity increases. Tekanan bendalir berkurang apabila halaju meningkat. 17


SOLAF 2 49 What is the reason of making the front and back portion of a vehicle into crumple zones? Apakah tujuan membuat bahagian depan dan belakang kenderaan menjadi kawasan mudah remuk? A increase the collision time menambahkan masa perlanggaran B increase the momentum of collision menambahkan momentum perlanggaran

C decrease the inertia of the vehicle mengurangkan inersia kenderaan D decrease the velocity of the vehicle mengurangkan halaju kenderaan 50 Which of the following pairs petrol and diesel engines is correctly matched? Antara padanan enjin petrol dan enjin diesel berikut, yang manakah yang betul? Petrol engine Enjin petrol Causes more pollution Menyebabkan lebih pencemaran Spark plugs Palam pencucuh More efficiency Lebih cekap Noisy Bising Diesel engine Enjin diesel More eco friendly Lebih mesra alam Fuel injected into hot gas Bahanapi dipancit ke dalam gas panas Less efficiency Kurang cekap Quiet Senyap





1511/2 SOLAF 2 Science 2011 Paper 2 2 hours

Name: Class :



SCIENCE Paper 2 Two hours and thirty minutes


Examiners Code Section Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total Total mark 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 10 10 10 Marks obtained

This question paper consist of 18 printed pages 1511/2 SULIT



Section A Bahagian A [20 marks] [20 markah] Answer all questions. Jawab semua soalan

Diagram 1 shows an experiment to study the effect of impurities on boiling point of distilled water. Rajah 1 menunjukkan eksperimen untuk mengkaji kesan bendasing ke atas takat didih air suling.

Sugar Gula

Thermometer Jangka suhu

Distilled water Air suling

Diagram 1 Rajah 1 The results obtained are recorded in Table 1 Keputusan yang diperolehi dicatatkan dalam Jadual 1 Substance Bahan Distilled water Air suling Distilled water + sugar Air suling + gula Table 1 Jadual 1 (a) Based on the above experiment, complete Table 1 Berdasarkan eksperimen di atas, lengkapkan Jadual 1. [1 mark] [1 markah] Boiling point/ o C Takat didih/ o C 100 .





(b) State the responding variable in this experiment. Nyatakan pembolehubah yang bergerak balas dalam eksperimen itu. .................................................................................................................................................... [1 mark] [1 markah] (c) Write one hypothesis based on the result of the above experiment. Tuliskan hipotesis berdasarkan keputusan eksperimen di atas .................................................................................................................................................... [1 mark] [1 markah] (d) What is the operational definition for distilled water? Apakah definisi secara operasi bagi air suling? .................................................................................................................................................... [1 mark] [1 markah] (e) If distilled water added with sugar is cooled, predict the freezing point of this substance. Jika air suling bercampur dengan gula disejukkan, ramalkan takat beku bahan tersebut. .................................................................................................................................................... [1 mark] [1 markah]





Diagrams 2.1(a) and 2.1(b) show an experiment to study the hardness of copper block and bronze block when the weights are dropped onto a steel ball. Rajah 2.1(a) dan 2.1(b) menunjukkan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji kekerasan blok kuprum dan blok gangsa apabila pemberat dijatuhkan ke atas bola keluli.

( 5 kg )

Steel ball Bola keluli

Copper block Blok kuprum Diagram 2.1(a) Rajah 2.1(a)

Bronze block Blok gangsa Diagram 2.1 (b) Rajah 2.1(b)

The effects on the copper block and bronze block are shown in Diagram 2.2(a) and 2.2(b). Kesan pada blok kuprum dan blok gangsa ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 2.2(a) dan 2.2(b).

x Copper block Blok kuprum Diagram 2.2(a) Rajah 2.2(a)

0.6 cm Bronze block Blok Gangsa Diagram 2.2 (b) Rajah 2.2(b)

Based on Diagram 2.2 (a), measure the diameter of the dent x and complete Table 2. Berdasarkan Rajah 2.2(a),ukur diameter lekukan x dan lengkapkan Jadual 2 . [1 mark] [1 markah ]





Block Blok Copper Kuprum Bronze Gangsa

Diameter of the dent / cm Diameter lekukan / cm

0.6 Table 2 Jadual 2

(b) State one hypothesis for this experiment? Nyatakan satu hipotesis untuk eksperimen ini? .... [1 mark] [1 markah] (c) State the variables in this experiment. Nyatakan pembolehubah dalam eksperimen ini. (i) Constant variable: Pembolehubah dimalarkan: ............................................... (ii) Responding variable: Pembolehubah bergerak balas: [2 marks] [2 markah] (d) Bronze is an alloy. State the operational definition for an alloy. Gangsa adalah sejenis aloi. Nyatakan definisi secara operasi bagi aloi. ... [1 mark] [1 markah]





In an experiment, a bacteria Basillus subtilis is cultured in a petri dish containing nutrient agar for five days at 37C. The result of the experiment is shown in Table 2. Di dalam satu eksperimen, bacteria Basillus subtilis telah dikultur di dalam piring petri yang mengandungi agar nutrient selama 5 hari pada suhu 37oC. Keputusan eksperimen ditunjukkan dalam rajah. Time / day Masa/ hari 1 2 3 4 5 Table 3 Jadual 3 (a) What is the controlled variable in this experiment?
Apakah pembolehubah yang di kawal dalam eksperimen ini?

Number of bacterial colonies Bilangan koloni bakteria 8 15 19 21 22

. [1 mark] [1 markah] (b) Using data in Table 3 draw a graph of the number of bacterial colonies against time
Dengan menggunakan data dalam Jadual 3, lukis graf bilangan koloni bakteria melawan masa [2 marks]

Number of bacterial colonies Bilangan koloni bakteria

[2 markah]

Time / day Masa / hari 1511/2 6 SULIT

SULIT (c) What is the relationship between the number of bacterial colonies and time ? Apakah hubungan antara bilangan koloni bakteria dengan masa?


[1 mark] [1 markah] (d) Predict the number of bacterial colonies produced on the 6th day.
Ramalkan bilangan koloni bakteria yang dihasilkan pada hari ke enam

[1 mark] [1 markah]





Diagram 4 shows an experiment to compare the elasticity of a natural rubber, (Rubber P) with a natural rubber that has been soaked in sulphur monochloride solution, (Rubber Q). Rajah 4 menunjukkan eksperimen untuk membandingkan sifat kekenyalan getah asli, (Getah P) dengan getah asli yang telah dicelupkan ke dalam larutan sulfur monoklorida, (Getah Q). Scissors Gunting Natural rubber Getah asli

Beaker Bikar Sulphur monochloride solution Larutan sulfur monoklorida

Clip Klip

Clip Klip

Clip Klip 500 g weight Pemberat 500 g

Clip Klip 500 g weight Pemberat 500 g

After weights and clips are take off Selepas pemberat dan klip ditanggalkan Diagram 4 Rajah 4 1511/2 8 SULIT

SULIT (a) State the hypothesis that can be made from this experiment. Nyatakan hipotesis yang boleh dibuat daripada eksperimen ini.


............................................................... [1 mark] [1 markah] (b) State the variable in this experiment. Nyatakan pembolehubah dalam eksperimen ini. (i) Controlled variable: Pembolehubah dimalarkan: .............................................................................................................................................. [1 mark] [1 markah] (ii) Manipulated variable: Pembolehubah dimanipulasikan: .............................................................................................................................................. [1 mark] [1 markah] (c) Based on this experiment, which rubber is more elastic? Berdasarkan eksperimen ini, getah manakah yang lebih elastik? ..................................................................................................................................................... [1 mark] [1 markah] (d) Mark ( ) the objects which are made of natural rubber that has been produced as in rubber Q. Tandakan ( ) bagi objek yang diperbuat daripada getah asli yang telah diproses seperti getah Q.

Tyre Tayar

Belon Balloon

Shoe sole Tapak kasut

[1 mark] [1 markah]



SULIT Section B Bahagian B [30 marks] [3 markah] Answer all questions. Jawab semua soalan 5 Diagram 5 shows a cross section of human brain. Rajah 5 menunjukkan keratan rentas otak manusia.



Diagram 5 Rajah 5 (a) Based on Diagram 5, name the structures labelled A and B. Berdasarkan kepada Rajah 5, namakan struktur berlabel A dan B. A................................ B [2 marks] [2 markah] (b) State one function of structure A . Nyatakan satu fungsi struktur A. .......................... [1 mark] [1 markah] (c) State two effects of drug abuse on the brain. Nyatakan dua kesan penyalahgunaan dadah terhadap otak. 1 ............................ 2. .................................. [2 marks] [2 markah]




SULIT (d) What will happen if structure B is injured? Apakah kesan jika bahagian B tercedera?


.................................. [1 mark] [1 markah] 6 Diagram 6 shows the purification of copper using electrolysis. Rajah 6 menunjukkan penulenan kuprum secara elektrolisis.

P :.........................................


R :.........................................................

Diagram 6 Rajah 6 (a) On Diagram 6, name P, Q and R by using the following information Pada Rajah 6, namakan P, Q dan R dengan menggunakan maklumat berikut; Pure copper/Kuprum tulen Impure copper/Kuprum tak tulen Copper(II) sulphate/Larutan kuprum(II) sulfat [3 marks] [3 markah] (b) State the energy changes in this electrolysis process Nyatakan perubahan tenaga yang berlaku dalam proses elektrolisis ...................................................................................................................................................... [1 mark] [1 markah] (c) Why metal P becomes thinner in the electrolysis process? Mengapakah logam P menjadi semakin nipis semasa proses elektrolisis? ....................................................................................................................................................... [1 mark] [1 markah] 1511/2 11 SULIT

(d) State another use of electrolysis in industry. Nyatakan kegunaan lain elektrolisis dalam industri.


[1 mark] [1 markah]

Diagram 7 shows radioactive rays in an electric field. Rajah 7 menunjukkan sinar radioaktif dalam medan elektrik.

Radioactive source Bahan radioaktif

P: ..

Q: .. R: ..

Diagram 7 Rajah 7 (a) Name the radioactive rays P, Q and R in Diagram 7. Namakan sinar radioaktif P, Q dan R pada Rajah 7. [3 marks] [3 markah] (b) Why does ray Q not deflect? Mengapakah sinar Q tidak terpesong? [1 mark] [1 markah] (c) Which is the slowest ray? Sinar manakah yang bergerak paling perlahan? [1 mark] [1 markah]






(d) State a best method to prevent ray Q from being emitted to the environment. Nyatakan satu kaedah paling baik untuk menghalang sinar Q daripada terpancar ke persekitaran. [1 mark] [1 markah] 8 Diagram 8.1 shows a food pyramid that gives you guidance to a good and balanced diet. Rajah 8.1 menunjukkan satu piramid makanan yang dapat memberi panduan kepada anda untuk mengamalkan pemakanan yang baik dan seimbang.

Diagram 8.1 Rajah 8.1 (a) What is meant by a balanced diet? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan diet seimbang? [1 mark] [1 markah] (b) What types of food that is needed in less amount? Apakah jenis makanan yang diperlukan dalam kuantiti yang paling sedikit? . [1 mark] [1 markah] (c) State one important of good and balanced diet. Nyatakan satu kepentingan mengambil makanan yang baik dan diet seimbang. [1 mark] 1511/2 13 SULIT



(d) Diagram 8.2 shows individual X who has an excess of body weight as compared to individual Y who has a less weight. Rajah 8.2 menunjukkan individu X yang mempunyai berat badan yang berlebihan dibandingkan dengan individu Y yang mempunyai berat badan yang terlalu kurang.

Individual Y individual X Individu Y Individu X Diagram 8.2 Rajah 8.2 (i) State one harmfull effect that can cause by individual X. Nyatakan satu kesan buruk yang akan dihadapi oleh individu X [1 mark] [1 markah] (ii) State one disease that can cause by the individual X. Nyatakan penyakit yang akan dihadapi oleh individu X ? .. [ 1 mark] [1 markah]

(e) Suggest one way to avoid from becoming individual Y? Cadangkan satu cara untuk mengelakkan dari menjadi seperti individu Y? . [1 mark] [1 markah]




SULIT 9 Diagram 9 shows the structure of a rocket. Rajah 9 menunjukkan struktur sebuah roket.


Fuel Bahan api

Liquid oxygen Oksigen cecair

Diagram 9 Rajah 9 (a) Name the fuel used by the rocket. Namakan bahan api yang digunakan oleh roket. [1 mark] [1 markah] (b) (i) Name the structure X. Namakan struktur X. . [1 mark] [1 markah] (ii) What is the function of X? Apakah fungsi X? [1 mark] [1 markah] (c) State the principle used in launching the rocket? Nyatakan prinsip yang digunakan dalam pelancaran roket? ... [1 mark] [1 markah] (d) On Diagram 9, mark the direction of forces involved during the rocket launching; action, A and reaction, R. Pada Rajah 9, tandakan arah daya-daya yang terlibat semasa pelancaran roket; tindakan, A dan tindak balas, R. [2 marks] [2 markah] 1511/2 15 SULIT

SULIT Section C Bahagian C [20 marks] [20 markah] Answer Question 10 and either Question 11 or Question 12. Jawab Soalan 10 dan sama ada Soalan 11 atau Soalan 12. 10 Study the following statement. Kaji pernyataan berikut.


When white light is directed onto a primary coloured filter, the filter will allow certain coloured light to pass through. Apabila cahaya putih dipancarkan ke arah penapis warna primer, penapis itu hanya membenarkan cahaya berwarna tertentu sahaja melaluinya.

(a) Suggest a hypothesis to investigate the above statement. Cadangkan satu hipotesis untuk menyiasat pernyataan di atas.

[1 mark] [1 markah]

(b) You are given a blue filter, a red filter, a green filter and other apparatus, describe an experiment to test your hypothesis in 10(a) based on the following criteria; Anda dibekalkan dengan satu penapis biru, satu penapis merah, satu penapis hijau dan radas-radas lain, huraikan satu eksperimen untuk menguji hipotesis di 10(a) berdasarkan kriteria berikut; (i) The aim of the experiment Tujuan eksperimen (ii) The identification of variables Mengenalpasti pembolehubah (iii)The list of apparatus and materials Senarai radas dan bahan (iv)The procedure or method Prosedur atau kaedah (v) The tabulation of data Penjadualan data [1 mark] [1 markah] [2 marks] [2 markah] [1 mark] [1 markah] [4 marks] [4 markah] [1 mark] [1 markah]




SULIT 11 (a) State four differences between voluntary action and involuntary action. Nyatakan empat perbezaan antara tindakan terkawal dan tindakan luar kawal.


[4 marks] [4 markah] (b) Diagram 11 shows the actions happen inside the body of a man. Rajah 11 menunjukkan beberapa tindakan yang berlaku dalam badan seorang lelaki. Heart beat Denyutan jantung Action Tindakan Food digestion Pencernaan makanan

Hormone secrete Perembesan hormon Diagram 11 Rajah 11

Breathing Pernafasan

Study the above actions. Explain how you would develop a concept based on the information in Diagram 11. Kaji tindakan-tindakan di atas. Terangkan bagaimana anda membina suatu konsep berdasarkan maklumat dalam Rajah 11. Your explanation of the concept should include the following: Penerangan anda tentang konsep itu hendaklah berdasarkan kepada perkara berikut: (i) Indentify two common characteristics. Kenal pasti dua ciri sepunya. (ii) Develop initial concept. Membina konsep awal. (iii) Give other example and non-example in relation to the concept. Memberikan contoh lain dan bukan contoh yang berkaitan dengan konsep. (iv) Explain the actual concept. Menjelaskan konsep sebenar. [6 marks] [6 markah]







(a) Human activities sometimes cause undesirable effects on the environment. State two human activities and explain their effects on the balance of nature of the environment. Aktiviti manusia kadangkala mendatangkan kesan buruk terhadap alam sekitar. Nyatakan dua aktiviti manusia dan terangkan kesannya terhadap keseimbangan semulajadi alam sekitar. [4 marks] [4 markah] (b) Most factories in an industrial area release smoke and poisonous gases as waste product. The waste product produced will cause air pollution. Explain methods to overcome this problem. Kebanyakan kilang di suatu kawasan perindustrian membebaskan asap dan gas beracun sebagai bahan buangan. Bahan buangan yang dihasilkan akan menyebabkan pencemaran udara. Terangkan kaedah untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Your answer should include the following aspects; Penerangan anda hendaklah mengandungi aspek-aspek berikut; Identify the problem Kenal pasti masalah Clarification of the problem Penjelasan masalah Explain three methods to solve the problem Terangkan tiga kaedah penyelesaian Choose the best method and explain your choice. Pilih kaedah terbaik dan jelaskan pilihan anda. [1 mark] [1 markah] [1 mark] [1 markah] [3 marks] [ 3 markah] [1 mark] [1 markah]




1511 Science SOLAF 2 SPM 2011





This marking Scheme contains 9 printed pages




Paper 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C B C A D B A C B D 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 B D B C A C B D D A 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 C A B D A B D C A C 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 D A C A C B D B B C 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 D D A B C A C D A B



SULIT Paper 2


Question (a) 102o C

Mark Scheme



1 1 1 1 1 Total

1 1 1 1 1 5

(b) Boiling point // Temperature (c) Sugar increases the boiling point of distilled water. 1 (d) Distilled water is a type of water which has a boiling point of 100o C (e) Less than 0o C

(a) 1.0 0.1 cm (b) 1. The diameter of the dent formed on the copper block is bigger/ larger. 2. The diameter of the dent formed on the bronze block is smaller. 3. The depth of dent formed on the copper block is larger. 4. The depth of dent formed on the bronze block is smaller. [Note : Negative hypothesis also accepted] (c) (i) Constant variable: height of weight//mass of weight// type of weight // diameter/ size of steel ball (ii) Responding variable: diameter of dent// depth of dent (d) Alloy is a material / substance which form a smaller dent.

1 1

1 1

1 1 1 Total 2 1 5 1

(a) 1. Temperature 2. Type of bacteria 3. Volume of nutrient agar





(b) Graph:
Number of bacterial colonies Bilangan koloni bakteria

x x x

Time / day Masa / hari

(c) As the time increases, the number of bacterial colonies increases. (d) 22

1 1 Total

1 1 5 1

(a) Rubber soaked in sulphur monochloride solution is more elastic. (b) (i) 1. The original length of natural rubber // 2. Original size of natural rubber// 3. The mass of weight. (ii) 1. Type of rubber.// 2. Rubber P and rubber Q. // 3. Soaked or not soaked in the sulphur monochloride solution. (c) Rubber Q 4 (d)

Tyre Tayar Belon Balloon Shoe sole Tapak kasut

Total 5





(a) A : Cerebrum
B : Cerebellum (b) 1. Control the voluntary action // 2. Control speech / hearing / vision. (c) 1. Brain damage 2. Depression 3. Hallucination 4. Stay awake or active 5. Decrease stress 6. Slow down the reaction time 7. Lost sense of smell / vision 8. Becomes intellectually incapable [Any two suitable answers] (d) Cannot maintain posture and body balance.

1 1 1

2 1

1 Total

1 5

(a) P : Impure Copper Q : Pure Copper R : Copper (II) sulphate solution (b) Chemical energy Electrical energy

1 1 1 1 1 1 Total

3 1 1 1 6

(c) Metal P dissolves to form positive ion. (d) 1. Metal extraction // 2. Metal electroplating

(a) P : Alpha ray // Q : Gamma ray // R : Beta ray // (b) Ray Q is neutral / Not charged 7 (c) P // Alpha ray // (d) 1. Keep the radioactive in a lead container/ thick concrete.// 2. Keep in lead // 3. Keep in thick concrete.

1 1 1 1 1

3 1 1

1 Total

1 6





(a) The food that contains sufficient proportion off all classes of food
(b) Fat

1 1

1 1

(c) 1. To supply sufficient energy for daily activities 2. For the bodys proper growth and development 3. To maintain the bodys health (d) (i) Obesity 8 (ii) 1. Heart disease// 2. Hypertension (high blood pressure)// 3. Diabetes mellitus 4. Cancers 5. Arthritis 6. Hernias 7. Varicose veins 8. Gallstone (e) 1. Take balance diet. 2. Take proper nutrition.

1 1 2

1 Total

6 (a) Liquid hydrogen (b) (i) Combustion chamber (ii) Burn liquid oxygen and hydrogen (c) Principle of conservation of momentum. (d) 9
Fuel Bahan api Liquid oxygen Oksigen cecair

1 1 1 1

2 1

Reaction, R

Action, A
Diagram 9 Rajah 9

Total 6





(a) Hypothesis: 1. Red filter permits only red light to pass through it.// 2. Blue filter permits only blue light to pass through it.// 3. Green filter permits only green light to pass through it.// 4. A certain coloured filter permits a certain coloured light to pass through it. (b) (i) Aim: 1. To study the effect of primary coloured filter on white light.// 2. To study the effect of coloured filter on light. (ii) Variables : 1. Manipulated : Coloured filter. 2. Responding : Colour on screen // The coloured light that passes through the filter // 3. Fixed : White light // White screen (any 2) 10 (iii) Apparatus: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Red filter, Green filter. Blue filter. Torch light // Ray box. White screen.

1 1

(iv) Procedure : 1. Red filter is put in between a torch light and a white screen. 2. Switch on the torch light and direct the light towards the white screen. 3. Observe and record the colour that appears on the screen. 4. Repeat step (1) (3) using blue filter and green filter. OR: Correct diagram (v) Result : Coloured filter Red Blue Green

1 1 1 1 4

Colour on the screen 1 1







(a) 1. 2. Voluntary action Action done voluntarily / consciously Impulse passes from receptor to effector through cerebrum. Response can be quicken or delayed. Response involves skeletal muscle. Action is controlled by cerebrum. Involuntary action 1. Action done involuntarily / unconsciously. 2. Impulse passes from receptor to effector through medulla oblongata. 3. Quick response. 4. Response involves smooth muscle. 5. Action is controlled by medulla oblongata. 1

3. 4. 5.

(b) Common characteristics: 1. Action done involuntarily. 2. Quick response. 3. Action is controlled by medulla oblongata. 4. Impulse passes from receptor to effector through medulla oblongata. 5. Response involves smooth muscle. [Any two] 11 Initial concept: Action done involuntarily and a quick response are involuntary action. Other example: Sweating // Sneezing // Blood flows Non example : Writing// walking // singing // dancing Actual concept: Involuntary action is done involuntarily and a quick response.

1 1 2

1 1 1

1 1 1

1 Total

1 10





(a) Human activities 1 Burning of fossil fuels by vehicles and factory machinery. Uncontrolled use of chemical substance / fertilizer / pesticides / fungicides in agriculture. Disposal of chemical waste/ toxic substance / radioactive substance into waterways. Use of chlorofluorocarbon Disposal of nonbiodegradable rubbish and sewage. Deforestation Effect on environment Acid rain// Plant destroy // Air pollution // Greenhouse effect // Global warming // Polluted water / lakes / rivers// Stimulates excessive algal growth // Eutrophication 2 Water pollution // Aquatic life destroy // Thermal pollution Thinning// depletion of ozone layer Landfill sites are filled with garbage// Land pollution // Contaminated water // Water pollution. Soil erosion // flash floods // landslides [Any two human activities and two effect] (b) Identify of problem: Air pollution Clarification of problem: Most factories release smoke and poisonous gases. Methods to solve the problem: 1. Using a tall chimney 2. Using a filter at the chimney 3. Using an electrostatic precipitator / catalytic converter. 4. Using air cleaning system 5. Law enforcement. [Any three methods] Best method and explanation: Using tall chimney. It will reduce air pollution to environment. 1

5 12 6

1 1 1

1 Total

6 10



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