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SUNY Series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy Dennis] Schnid, editor BEING AND TIME A Translation of Sein und Zeit MartTIN HEIDEGGER Translated by Joan Stambaugh [STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK PRESS Origa published by Max Niemeyer Vera Tblnge, © 158. Pubes by Sate Univer f New Yoo Pe Albany © 1886 State Universi af New York Allighs reseed Printed nthe Unite Sites af America No part ofthis book my be usd or reprodced in ay abner whoever ‘without writen permislon. No pr ath book maybe tore in tira System or anime any form o by any mean nding leone ‘eeoratic magete wpe mechanic petcopring recording ‘therwte without the por prion a wring a he publi For infomation, addres tte Univers of New York Pres, ‘90 tte Src, Suite 70, Albany, NY 12207 Production y Mari .Semerad Marketing by Naney Farell “Typing by Baker Typing brary of Congres Catling in Publication Dia Heidegger Marin, 19891976 [Senn Ze Engh) Being and tine / Martin Hedge; rasa Joan Stambaugh em — (SUNY seer in conerporay continents posoni) Tncldesbograpicl ference and index ISBN 0701425777 Gardcove ~ ISBN O14 26785 (pbk) L-Onvolgy. 2 Spuceand time 1 Samaugh Joan, 19 aero fLases 106 lide ons Dedicated EDMUND HUSSERL, in frndiip and admiration ‘Todnauberg is Baden, Black ort 8 Api 1926, CONTENTS ‘Translators Preface sa ‘Author's Preface tothe Seventh German Eaton it (exergue] sie INTRODUCTION ‘The Exposition ofthe Question ofthe Meaning of Being The Nec, Src, end Priority ofthe Question of Beng 1 1. The Necesity ofan Explicit Retieve ofthe Question of Being 2, The Formal Siractre ofthe Question of Being 5. The Ontological Prony ofthe Question of Being 4. The Onde Priority ofthe Question of Belng IL The Double Tash in Working Ou th Question of Beng ‘The Method ofthe Foetigaton and Ti One 18 5. The Ontological Analysis of Dain the Exposure ofthe Horizon for an Interpretation ofthe Meaning of Being in General 3 5, The Task of Destrucring ofthe History of Ontology 17 17. The Phenomenological Method af the Investigation 28 "The Concept of Phenomenon, 25 ‘i. The Concept of Loges Pa €.The Preliminary Concept of Phenomenology 80 8. The Outline of the Treatie x

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