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Evelyn Velez Period.

4 02/ 12/13

Cultural Etiquette

What is cultural etiquette?

Countries name Flag




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The people

Meeting and Greeting

Mexico is a very class-conscious society where social stratifications are well defined. Shake hands or give a slight bow when introduced.

Japan is a highly structured and traditional society. A handshake is appropriate upon meeting. The Japanese handshake is limp and with little or no eye contact. Nodding is very important. When listening to Japanese speak. Punctuality is a must in all business and social meetings. Avoid using the number "four" if

Cultural achievement is Italy's greatest source of pride. When being introduced during a business or social meeting, shake hands with everyone present -- men, women and children. Maintain eye contact while talking. Italians take punctuality for business. Italians are open, curious and tolerant

Body languages Corporate culture

Mexicans generally stand close together when conversing. Punctuality is expected of foreign businesspeople. speak Spanish is

Helpful Hints Any attempt to

appreciated by your Mexican counterparts and is seen as a gesture of goodwill.

possible. It has connotations of death to the Japanese.

of others uniqueness and manners.

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