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Word Quest

Ecology 101


Rutgers University Technology in Science Education Professor Ed Potosnak

Throughout this unit you will discover some key topics in ecology. These concepts should be new to you so please do not be intimidated. As you go through the web/word quest read the material provided by the accompanied websites and answer the questions to the best of your abilities. Please hand in your work via the drop box on sakai and we will go over the answers tomorrow.

Table of Contents
Directions ....................................................................................................................................................... i Review ........................................................................................................................................................... 1 Anthropogenic Effects............................................................................................................................... 1 Pepper Moth ......................................................................................................................................... 1 Arctic Life .............................................................................................................................................. 1 Predictions .................................................................................................................................................... 2 Works Cited ................................................................................................................................................... 3

Anthropogenic Effects
Human effects or anthropogenic effects have profoundly affected many different species. Click on the following links in order to answer the questions. Pepper Moth Although the pepper moth is typically used as an example of natural selection, it is also about human effects. Please explain what role anthropogenic effects play in this scenario. Be sure to say what we would call the change in lichen color and how it affected the moth species. Answer in the box below the link. onent/content/article/127.html (The Peppered Moth, 2012).
Figure 1 (The Peppered Moth, 2012)

Arctic Life Global warming has already made an impact on habitats. Some species, especially in the arctic, are experiencing these changes currently. In the box below, write how global warming has affected the habitat of one of the animals in the pictures. Be as specific as possible and be sure to include how it affects their food webs as well.

Figure 2 Figure 3 (Welch, 2013)

To learn more about these species, feel free to look at these sites: (Welch, 2013), and (Fuglei & Ims, 2008).

We discussed several other anthropogenic examples in class this week. Please write about one example that we mentioned and draw a picture to illustrate the effect.

Before you watch the video, think about all the effects that humans have on the world around us. We release many different types of gases (pollution) into the air. Each pollutant has a unique effect on various plants and animals. Today we are going to learn about the effect of a pollutant on one animal in particular. In the video you will see, the effects of cigarette smoke on crickets is recorded for you. What kind of effect do you think it will have on the insect? Write down your prediction.

Click here to watch the video now: (youtube link to my cricket video) Was your prediction correct? If not, write what you saw.

Works Cited
Fuglei, E., & Ims, R. (2008). Global Warming and effects on the arctic fox. Science Progress , 91 (2). The Peppered Moth. (2012). Retrieved February 19, 2013, from truthinscience: Welch, C. (2013). Polar Bears. Retrieved February 19, 2013, from Earthy Issues:

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