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How does the human heart function?

Name: _____Ike_____________ Date: ___________________

In this lab, I will be guring out the difference between the human heart and the pig heart and how they work differently and in similar ways. I will be nding out the measurements of the human heart and the pig heart measurements will be measured during the lab. The lab we will be doing is where we dissect a pigs heart with my lab group. The human and the pig heart turned out to be pretty similar and you will learn more about that below in my lab. You will see the measurements we recorded during the lab that are surprising and sometimes very similar and unsurprising. I found the the results very interesting and I thought dissecting the pig was the hardest part of this lab.

Research questions:
The purpose of this experiment is to nd out how the human heart functions and how it is similar to and different from other mammalian hearts.

You will need to write some specic research questions here. You can write these ahead of time, or as you do your research. By the end, you should know: What a human heart looks like (have a labeled diagram)?: What the different measurements are for the human heart?: The heart is about 5 inches (12 cm) long, 3.5 inches (8-9) wide and 2.5 inches (6cm) from the front to the back. It is about the size of your st. It weighs about 255 grams.

Isaac May

Thursday, 21 February 2013 9:17:24 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

How the human heart functions, and how this function is similar to and different from other mammalian hearts?: Humans are mammals so all mammal heart have some sort of resemblance. For example the major chest and abdominal muscles found in humans are also in the pig. How human hearts are different from and similar to other mammalian hearts, especially pig hearts?: They are both mammals. Pigs have some human-like muscles in parts of their body. Also, their internal organs are very similar; they have both thoracic and abdominal organs. Their blood vessels are all different in their bodies. The procedures for dissecting a mammalian heart, especially a pig heart, though other mammalian hearts are similar :Remove any fat that is on the heart.
Locate the pulmonary veins and the venae cavae on the dorsal side (they have thinner walls). Measure the walls of the pulmonary veins and the venae cavae. Locate the pulmonary artery and the aorta on the ventral side (they have thicker walls) Measure the walls of the pulmonary artery and the aorta. Look for the coronary artery and the coronary vein (runs down the outside of the heart). Feel the texture of the ventricle walls. (note that the left ventricle has a harder wall) Run water into the venae cavae. (note that it comes out from the pulmonary artery) Run water into the pulmonary veins. (note that it comes out from the aorta) Run water into the pulmonary artery. (no water comes out) Run water into the aorta. (no water comes out) (the semi-lumar valves stop water from going in and out) Cut the ventricles from the bottom into halves. Locate the coronary artery. Cut away the ventral half. Look for the bicuspid valves, the tricuspid valves, and the heart strings. (the septum separates the left ventricle and the right ventricle. Find how the blood ows from the right ventricle to the pulmonary artery. Find how the blood ows from the left ventricle to the aorta. (Question to ask) Which one has a thicker muscular wall, the left or the right ventricle. Explain? Cut away the front half of the auricles. (Question to ask) How do the auricles and the ventricles differ? Cut open the base pulmonary artery. Locate the semi-lunar valves. Cut open the base of the aorta. Identify the semi-lunar valves.

Isaac May

Thursday, 21 February 2013 9:17:24 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

(Question to ask) What do these structures do?

The names of the different parts of the mammalian heart, both inside and out Here are the different parts in the heart: Right Atrium, Right Ventricle, Septum, Left Ventricle, Left Atrium and the Aorta.

The independent variable is: (the one variable that you will change)

Type of heart

The dependent variable is: (The variable that you are investigating)

Function and measurements of the human heart

Control Variables
The factors that you keep the same, so that the experiment is a fair test. Try and list at least 5.

Factors to be controlled:

Reason it needs to be controlled:

How it will be controlled:

1 So we can compare the meas- We will make a list of the parts that Parts of the heart that will urements of the pig heart from we will need to be measure. be measured the human heart.

2 so we wont use different units We will make sure that we use Units that will be used for for different oars and so we inches all the time when measuring measurements wont get confused the pig heart

3 So that we make sure we dont We will look at our list of proceMethod for dissection of make any mistakes and so we dures to make sure we dont make the pig heart know what we are doing. any mistakes.

Isaac May

Thursday, 21 February 2013 9:17:24 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

What will happen to the dependent variable as the independent variable is changed?
The human heart is about the same size as a pigs heart and it works almost the same as ours. Because it has all the same valves and nearly all the same functions as our heart. The human heart is about the same size as a pigs heart and it works the same as ours. We think that a pigs heart is heavier than the human heart because we think that the pig heart is heavier then our heart because the pig has a fatter heart then ours. Which shows you that the pigs heart weigh more then the humans heart.

As you can above, I found

Pig Heart They both pump blood for oxygen. They are both inside mammals. They both have similar size chest cavities. They are about the same size. Heart location same. Human Heart

Isaac May

Thursday, 21 February 2013 9:17:24 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

this information during my research.What would that relationship look like? Try to sketch or illustrate this:






Blue: Human Heart Purple: Pig Heart

Isaac May

Thursday, 21 February 2013 9:17:24 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

1. Heart 2. Scissors 3. Ruler 4. Scalpel 5. Scale 6. Rubber Gloves

Diagram One: Set-up of your materials for dissecting a pigs heart:

Some things to keep in mind as your write your method: You will need to have a step-by-step procedure for dissecting your pig heart You will need a procedure for measuring the different parts of the pig heart You will also need a procedure for comparing the different parts of the pig heart to the human heart These comparisons can be made in your results table (below)

Isaac May

Thursday, 21 February 2013 9:17:24 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

Remove any fat that is on the heart. Locate the pulmonary veins and the venae cavae on the dorsal side (they have thinner walls). Measure the walls of the pulmonary veins and the venae cavae. Locate the pulmonary artery and the aorta on the ventral side (they have thicker walls) Measure the walls of the pulmonary artery and the aorta. Look for the coronary artery and the coronary vein (runs down the outside of the heart). Feel the texture of the ventricle walls. (note that the left ventricle has a harder wall) Run water into the venae cavae. (note that it comes out from the pulmonary artery) Run water into the pulmonary veins. (note that it comes out from the aorta) Run water into the pulmonary artery. (no water comes out) Run water into the aorta. (no water comes out) (the semi-lumar valves stop water from going in and out) Cut the ventricles from the bottom into halves. Locate the coronary artery. Cut away the ventral half. Look for the bicuspid valves, the tricuspid valves, and the heart strings. (the septum separates the left ventricle and the right ventricle. Find how the blood ows from the right ventricle to the pulmonary artery. Find how the blood ows from the left ventricle to the aorta. (Question to ask) Which one has a thicker muscular wall, the left or the right ventricle. Explain? Cut away the front half of the auricles. (Question to ask) How do the auricles and the ventricles differ? Cut open the base pulmonary artery. Locate the semi-lunar valves. Cut open the base of the aorta. Identify the semi-lunar valves.

Human Heart

Pig Heart (From Emilia, Monica, Nicolaus, Evan) 388.95 grams

Weight (g) depth (units) Size

Men: 297.6699g Women: 255.14571g 6cm


Isaac May

Thursday, 21 February 2013 9:17:24 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time


width (units) height (units Width of the left atrium width of Aorta Width of the right atrium

8-9cm 12cm

10cm 14cm

Measurements: What other parts of the heart will you measure?







Exterior Diagram

A labeled sketch of what the exterior of the pig heart looks like here.

Interior Diagram

A labeled sketch of what the interior of the pig heart looks like here.

Isaac May

Thursday, 21 February 2013 9:17:24 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

Anything else you need to add that I havent included?

Include a table for your results. The table should include: a descriptive title heading with units data is in the same units (units identied at the top of the table) units are not in the body of the table include processed data

Isaac May

Thursday, 21 February 2013 9:17:24 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time






Purple: Pig Heart Blue: Human Heart

Weight (grams)

Graph 1: Measurements of the different parts of pig and human hearts

Include a graph of your results. The graph should include: a descriptive title clear and evenly marked scale y-axis labeled, including units x-axis labeled, including units appropriate type of graph drawn. Points are connected as a smooth line.

Isaac May

Thursday, 21 February 2013 9:17:24 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

clear and evenly marked scale key included when appropriate

Purple: Pig Heart

Blue: Human Heart



Depth (cm) Width (cm)

Height (cm) Width of LA Width of A Width of RA

He ading

s!w ith uni ts!

Isaac May

Thursday, 21 February 2013 9:17:24 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time


From the graph, the results show (What happens to the dependent variable as the independent variable changes?) . . .

Well, rst of all, during the lab I wrote all the data like the weight, width, height etc. Then my lab partner did not save it so we had to use another groups information to put in our result graphs. The other groups were denitely different measurements which I knew by a little of memory. Mostly, they were bigger numbers in weight and in centimeters. Im just glad we did not have to do the lab again. We would be very far behind! However, overall the human and the pig heart are very similar and work in not a too different way which was good for the comparison. They also had similar parts in the pig heart, so I am pretty glad we did the pig heart from other animals.
This happens because (Consider the concepts you used in your

hypothesis). This is a good place to include some diagrams if they will help explain your ideas. Well, overall, the my hypothesis basically said that the pig and human heart were going to be very similar in a number of ways. Width, height, length etc. There is graph below about the measurements. In addition, I found out the human heart was heavier than a pig heart but it was smaller then a pig heart. I found that odd, and I kind of wished we could do another trial to make that more clear.

Isaac May

Thursday, 21 February 2013 9:17:24 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time



Depth (cm) Width (cm)

Height (cm) Width of LA Width of A Width of RA

Isaac May

Thursday, 21 February 2013 9:17:24 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

Table 2: Validity of the method (Was the investigation a Fair Test?) If you were not able to control any of the control variables you listed above, how did any change in that variable affect your data?
Control variable What affect did this Degree of impact Improvement (how to x that was not have when compar- (small, medium or the problem): controlled: ing the independlarge): ent and dependent variables? 1
2 3

Isaac May

Thursday, 21 February 2013 9:17:24 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

Table 3: Reliability of the method: Were there enough trials? Did multiple trials give similar data? Are there anomalous points?
Reliability of data. The measuring instruments. a) Did the measuring instruments collect data that can be trusted? Yes/ No Yes the measuring tools gave us pretty precise measurements if we used them right. Sadly, we lost our own data from the lab and had to use someone elses. Explanation (why / why not?)

b) Was the experiment repeated enough times? Yes/ No No, it was not because if we did it again it would be more right and we would likely have the exact information about the measurements.

c) Did the measuring instrument collect precise data? (i.e. Did the multiple trials give similar data?) Yes/ No They did not give us all precise data because the ruler was used by humans and the weight was measured by a scale which would denitely give you more precise data.

Size of sample.

Isaac May

Thursday, 21 February 2013 9:17:24 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

Reliability of data. d) was the range large enough?

Explanation (why / why not?)

Yes/ No

No, because we only did one trial.

Were there any surprising results? What were they?

Not really, except that the human heart was smaller than the pig heart but it was heavier. That I found hard to understand, it was odd.

You are almost done! Now go back to the beginning and give your investigation a title using the dependent and independent variable.

Reference List:

Isaac May

Thursday, 21 February 2013 9:17:24 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

Bianco, Carl. "How Your Heart Works." HowStuffWorks. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Jan. 2013. <>. "The Human Heart." The Human Heart. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2013. <>.

Maton, Anthea. Human Biology and Health. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1994. Print.
Miller, James S. "Human/Pig Comparisons." Fetal Pig Dissection Guide. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Jan. 2013. <>.

Isaac May

Thursday, 21 February 2013 9:17:24 AM Hong Kong SAR China Time

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