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Traffic**e.xla is Microsoft Excel addin. *Erlang B Erlang B is a formula for blocking no retrial sources. B = (a^n/n!)/(1+a/1!+a^2/2!+a^3/3!+...+a^n/n!

) B:Probability of blocking a:Traffic n:Lines(Number of servers) Erlang B Function(a,n:max 8 digits) ERL_B(a,n):Calculate B from a,n. ERL_n(B,a):Calculate n from B,a. ERL_a(B,n):Calculate a from B,n. *Extended Erlang B Extended Erlang B is a formula for blocking retrial sources. r:Recall factor Extended Erlang B Function(a,n:max 8 digits) EEB_B(a,n,r):Calculate B from a,n,r. EEB_n(B,a,r):Calculate n from B,a,r. EEB_a(B,n,r):Calculate a from B,n,r. *Erlang C Erlang C is delay formula for queueing infinite sources. P(>0) = (a^n/n!)*n/(n-a)/((1+a/1!+a^2/2!+a^3/3!++a^(n-1)/(n-1)!)+(a^n/n!)*n/(n-a)) = 1/((n-a)/n*(n/a+n*(n-1)/a^2+...+n*(n-1)*...2/a^(n-1)+n!/a^n)+1) Wq:Average wait time in queue =P(0>)*h/(n-a) Lq:Average number of callers in queue =P(0>)*a/(n-a) P(>T):Probability of a Delay>T =P(>0)*e^(-(n-a)*T/h) h:Average call time Erlang C Function(a,n:max 8 digits) EC_P(a,n):Calculate P(>0) from a,n. EC_n(P,a):Calculate n from P(>0),a. EC_a(P,n):Calculate a from P(>0),n. EC_Wq(a,n,h):Calculate Wq from a,n,h. EC_Wqn(Wq,a,h):Calculate n from Wq,a,h. EC_Lq(a,n):Calculate Lq from a,n. EC_Lqn(Lq,a):Calculate n from Lq,a. EC_Pt(a,n,h,t):Calculate P(>T) from a,n,h,t. EC_Ptn(Pt,a,h,t):Calculate n from Pt,a,h,t. *Molina Molina is a formula for blocking retrial sources. (This formula overstates the number of facilities required, its error rate is too high.) B = e^-a*(a^n/n!+a^(n+1)/(n+1)!++a^ / !

= e^-a* x=n (a^x/x!) = e^-a*a^n/n!(1+a/(n+1)+a^2/(n+1)(n+2)+a^3/(n+1)(n+2)(n+3)+ B:Probability of blocking a:Traffic n:Lines(Number of servers) Molina Function(n:less than 10,000) MOL_B(a,n):Calculate B from a,n. MOL_n(B,a):Calculate n from B,a. MOL_a(B,n):Calculate a from B,n.

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