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ENGLISH FORM FIVE ( TROPICAL PRESS) Lesson 4 ( Chapter 3 ) Form Time Level Theme Topic Learning Outcome Previous

Knowledge : 5 : 80 minutes : : : : High proficiency Environment Continuous writing (Writing a fact sheet p. 45) By the end of the lesson, students should be able to write a fact sheet on Acid Rain. : Students have read a comprehension passage and have done quick research on Acid Rain in the school computer laboratory. : Writing : Reading and Speaking : Love for the environment, discipline

Focussed Skill Integrated Skills Moral Values Procedure Set Induction

1. Teacher uses LCD projector to show pictures of the effects of acid rain on the environment. ( e.g. corrosion of buildings, destruction of forests, etc) 2. Students and teacher discuss acid rain in general.

Presentation 1. Students list down the causes and effects of acid rain. 2. Teacher draws students attention to the mind map on Acid Rain (p. 45). 3. Students read the notes given in paragraphs 1,2,3 and 4. 4. Students participate in the discussion by giving more details. ( e.g. how the pollutants affect the air quality,( para. 1 ) , why environmental pollution occurs ( para. 2 ) , examples of buildings damaged by acid rain; places affected by global warming etc. ( para. 4 ) 5. Teacher draws students attention to the model on writing a fact sheet explaining the structure and the language features used. (pg.44) Production 1. Students write a fact sheet on acid rain using the mind map and notes on pg. 45 ( individual work ) Closure 1. Teacher sums up the lesson by reminding the students on the structure and language features used in writing a fact sheet. Teaching Aids: 1. LCD projector 2. Textbook (Tropical Press)

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