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Some important combinations By yenbeeyes (Unpublished article) The other day I was rummaging through one of the boxes

of my grandfather which contained lots of handwritten charts, many scribbling mostly made with pencil and some with pen which all contained astrological hints for predictions, some pages of books whose origins are unknown as only bits of them were available. For the readers I would like to inform that my grandfather hails from Thanjavur district in Tamilnadu and was a great scholar in Tamil and Sanskrit. He was a headmaster of a Primary school at the time of retirement. He was my maternal grandfather. Due to the early demise of my father, as per the custom prevalent there, I started living with my mother and sister in the house of my grandfather. One day, I think in the year 1968 or 69, I saw in his room a very big paper pasted to the wall containing a horoscope which at that time I could not understand. I enquired my grandfather about the chart and asked him why he has made such a big one? He said that it is a special chart and he asked me if I am interested in knowing about Planets and Nakshatras. He also added hastily that it will be quite an interesting thing to study. I was curious enough to know about the secrets of my grandfather and hence I readily said yes that was the beginning of Astrology for me. I was then 20 years old and was doing my degree course. For the next 5/6 years he taught me Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra as well as Jaimini Sutras. Further studies continued till his death which was in the year 1979. After his death, I had no time to continue my studies of Astrology and all his works were stacked in an Iron box along with some of his other belongings. In the year 2007 after I got retirement, I started devoting my entire time to Astrology. Suddenly it dawned on me that I had somewhere kept the belongings of my grandfather and when I got it I knew no bounds for the joy I experienced. In the box I found the big horoscope about which I queried my grandfather and I reconstructed it using Jhora and I give below the same for the benefit of readers. written on 22.12.2008

Some important combinations By yenbeeyes written on 22.12.2008

At the back of this big paper I found the following scribbled in Tamil: The 3 days beginning from 3rd Feb., 1962 to 5th Feb., 1962 are special days as there is a conjunction of 8 planets in the sign of Capricorn. He has mentioned the time also as 17:45 on 03-02-1962 till 17:52 on 05-02-1962. I checked various time for 3rd Feb. 1962 as also for 5th Feb. 1962 with the help of Jhora. I took the place as Thanjavur as that was where we lived till 1976. Using Lahiri(Chitrapaksha) Ayanamasa I found that the 8 planets conjunction begins at 17:36:24 on 3rd Feb., 1962 and lasts till 17:46:36 on 5th Feb., 1962 as per Jhora. Notice the time found in the paper also is very near to this. Then I found some calculations done in pencil which I could not decipher and finally the following number -14,402 is circled and above the circle there is a question mark. Till today I could not make head or tail of it. As we see from the chart, this is definitely a special chart as there is a conjunction of 8 planets in Capricorn. At the time of beginning as well as ending of the conjunction of 8 planets, Cancer Lagna rises. I searched the whole box to find out if anything else is mentioned about the conjunction of 8 planets. Unfortunately, I was not successful. Readers if they come across any chart born during the above 2 dates viz. 3rd Feb. 1962 to

Some important combinations By yenbeeyes my personal Email ID: Position of Sun in Lagna Next I found some interesting writings in Tamil with regard to the placement of Sun in various Lagnas. I just organized the sheets of paper and furnish below the English version of what I found for the benefit of the readers: (Later on I came to know that these are the verses taken from Eswara Nadi Surya Khanda. Unfortunately I could not get the full Eswara Nadi). For all the combinations he has drawn the charts and shown the placements of planets and written the results in the side in short syllables which I am presenting in a narrative form. 1. Lagna is Aries and Sun is placed there and Jupiter is placed in the 2nd and Mars is placed in Capricorn in 10th such a native will have one sister and no brothers and he will be prone to diseases and will not be educated. 2. Lagna is Aries and Sun is placed there. Mars and Jupiter are placed in the 3 rd in Gemini and Saturn is placed in 11th in Aquarius. Natives father will have 6 brothers and 4 sisters. At the age of 16, the natives father is likely to die. 3. Aries Lagna with Sun, Mercury and Venus placed therein and Jupiter in the 5th in Leo father of the native will be getting income and wealth from the King and will be a happy person 4. Aries Lagna with Sun and Mercury in it and Mars in the 2 nd, the natives father will have only one brother and he will earn his livelihood doing agriculture. In his 16th year his father may pass away. 5. Aries Lagna with Sun, Venus and Saturn natives father will have 4 brothers and 4 sisters. The fathers family will be going on increasing until the native attains the age of 27. 6. Taurus Lagna If Sun and Mercury are placed in Lagna, the native will loose his father when he is of 3 years. 7. Taurus Lagna with Sun and Mercury in Lagna and Jupiter debilitated in Capricorn, (The words written here are not clearly legible as they were in pencilwritten on 22.12.2008 5th Feb. 1962, can study the life of such person and if possible can send the same to me at

Some important combinations By yenbeeyes written on 22.12.2008 however, and I tried to guess the same) the father of the native will have one brother and one sister. The younger brother of the natives father will remain unmarried. 8. In Taurus Lagna if there is Sun and Venus, the father of the native will have one sister who will help him financially as he will be a poor person. 9. Taurus Lagna with Sun in it and Mars exalted in Capricorn the father of the native will have 4 brothers and he will also have three wives. 10. Taurus Lagna with Sun in it and Mars debilitated in Cancer, the father of the native will have 3 brothers and the native will have to perform pithru karma at his fifteenth year (meaning the natives father will die when he is 15 years old). 11. For Gemini Lagna with Sun and Mercury in Lagna and Jupiter in Sagittarius native will loose his father and mother at the age of three. 12. When Sun and Venus are placed in Mithuna Lagna and Mars is placed in Leo, the native will have two fathers and one will change his religion. (Here two father probably refers to his natural father and fathers brother) 13. Gemini Lagna with Sun, Mercury and Venus and Mars is in 3rd Leo and Jupiter and Saturn in 7th in Sagittarius-father will have two wives. (Something else written not legible probably there will be 2 male members in the natives father..) 14. Gemini Lagna Sun in Lagna, Moon in 3rd in Leo and Saturn in 7th in Sagittarius in the fathers family there will be three male and three female members. Father will die when the native is of 40 years old. 15. Gemini Lagna Sun in Lagna with Mercury and Ketu and Saturn in 6 th Scorpio there will be three male members and one female member in the natives fathers family. All three male will experience poverty in the initial stages. 16. Cancer Lagna and Sun in Lagna and Venus in third house Virgo there will be three members in fathers family and the father of the native will die when the native is of 24 years old. 17. Cancer Lagna with Sun in Lagna with Moon, Jupiter and Mars in 3rd house in Virgo-the native will be very fortunate till he is forty years old.

Some important combinations By yenbeeyes written on 22.12.2008 18. Cancer Lagna with Sun and Jupiter in Lagna and Saturn in 11th in Taurus and if the native is born in the dasa of Sun, he will be a handicapped person. 19. Cancer Lagna with Sun and Ketu in Lagna and Jupiter and Rahu in 7 th in Capricorn the natives father will have no siblings and will be an expert in Mathematics. The natives father will die after the age of twenty of the native. 20. Cancer Lagna with Sun in Lagna, Mars in 3rd in Virgo and Moon in Capricorn in 7th, the native will have no siblings and will face difficulties in the dasa of Sun. 21. Leo Lagna with Sun with Mercury in Lagna and Mars in eleventh in Gemini out of 10 children in the family of father only four will be alive (probably others will die). Fathers death will be at the age of 16 of the native. 22. Leo Lagna with Sun, Mercury and Mars in Lagna the father of the native will die when the native is of fourteen years. 23. Leo Lagna with Sun and Mercury in Lagna and Jupiter in 3rd in Libra and Saturn in twelfth in Cancer out of the three members of the natives father one will stand alone from the others. 24. Leo Lagna with Sun in Lagna, Moon in 3rd in Libra, Saturn in 7th in Aquarius and Mars in 9th in Aries natives father will be alone and he will die before the birth of the native. 25. Leo Lagna with Sun and Rahu and Jupiter in 9 th in Aries there will be four members in the fathers family and all of them will be in good position. 26. Virgo Lagna with Sun and Mercury in Lagna and Mars in 6th in Aquarius there will be two male and one female sibling for the father of the native. When the native is of 24 years old his father will die. 27. Virgo Lagna with Sun, Mercury and Venus Out of six members in the fathers family four will survive. Father will have two wives. When the native is of one month old, his father will die. 28. Virgo Lagna with Sun, Moon and Jupiter father of the native will have two brothers of which the younger one will be afflicted by chronic disease. If he was born in the dasa of Sun his father will die when the native is of 18 years. 29. Virgo Lagna with Sun, Moon and Mercury-father will have six brothers. He will be suffering from disease from the age of fifteen of native.

Some important combinations By yenbeeyes written on 22.12.2008 30. Virgo Lagna with Sun in Lagna and Moon in Taurus and Mars in Gemini father of the native will be the lone member with no siblings. If the native is born in the dasa of Sun, his father will die when the native is of 16 years. 31. Libra Lagna with debilitated Sun and Mercury in Lagna and Jupiter in 3rd in Sagittarius The natives fathers family will have two living members out of three. The ender brother of the natives father will have two wives and the natives father will be loosing money because of his elder brother. 32. Libra Lagna with Sun and Moon in Lagna and Venus in 3rd in Sagittarius such a natives father will not keep up his words and will have five or six concubines and when the native is of 20 years, he (father) will die. 33. Libra Lagna with Sun and Ketu in Lagna and Moon in 7th in Aries-fathers family will have two male members and two female members. One male member will go to foreign land. At the age of six the native will loose his father. 34. Libra Lagna with Sun and Mars in Lagna and Moon in ninth in Gemini there will be two brothers to the natives father and one will be with diseases. 35. Libra Lagna with Sun, Mercury and Moon in Lagna and Jupiter in the seventh in Aries the natives father will have two brothers and from the time of birth of the native his father will be affected by diseases. 36. Scorpio Lagna with Sun in Lagna and Rahu and Moon in eighth natives father will be a righteous man, will have lot of land holdings and will die in his seventy second year. 37. Scorpio Lagna with Sun and Mercury in Lagna and Saturn in the fourth house in Aquarius only one male member in the natives fathers family which is his father and he will be wealthy and will have lot of land holdings. Father will be affected by disease in the latter half of his life. 38. Scorpio Lagna with Sun, Mercury and Jupiter in Lagna Natives father will have no siblings; he will be doing trading and as soon as the native is born his father will be benefitted by house property. 39. Scorpio Lagna with Sun in Lagna and Saturn in third house in Capricorn natives father will be living by doing agriculture and he will die when he is seventy two years old.

Some important combinations By yenbeeyes written on 22.12.2008 40. Scorpio Lagna with Sun, Mercury and Ketu in Lagna and Saturn, Rahu and Moon in seventh in Taurus natives father will have 4 coborns and he will be living by doing service. 41. Sagittarius Lagna with Sun in Lagna and Jupiter in the ninth in Leo Father will be a lone person without any siblings; will be a fortunate person; will be courageous; will have righteousness; will have lands and vehicles. 42. Sagittarius Lagna with Sun and Mercury in Lagna natives father will have two brothers and two sisters. Father will be a wealthy person. 43. Sagittarius Lagna with Sun and Merury in Lagna and Jupiter in ninth in Leo father of the native will have six brothers and three sisters. All the ancestral property of the father will change hands. When the native is of fifteen years old, he will loose his father. 44. Sagittarius Lagna with Sun and Moon in Lagna and Rahu in ninth in Leo His father will have one brother and the native will have to do the karma of his father in his thirty-eighth year. 45. Sagittarius Lagna with Sun and Moon in Lagna and Jupiter in the ninth in Leo Father will be alone with no coborns. Father will die when the native is of ten years old. 46. Capricorn Lagna with Sun and Mars in Lagna and Saturn in fourth in Aries Father will have no siblings and he will be a handicapped person. 47. Capricorn Lagna with Sun and Mercury in Lagna and Saturn in eleventh in Scorpio Natives father will have no siblings and he will die when the native is of ten years old. 48. Capricorn Lagna with Sun and Mercury in Lagna and Venus in third in Pisces and Mars and Jupiter in seventh in Cancer Father will have no siblings and he will die when the native is of five years old. 49. Capricorn Lagna with Sun in Lagna and Venus, Mercury and Jupiter in the twelfth in Sagittarius natives father will die before his fifth year. 50. Aquarius Lagna with Sun and Mars in Lagna and Saturn in fourth in Taurus Father will have no coborns and he will be a handicapped person and will die in his early age.

Some important combinations By yenbeeyes written on 22.12.2008 51. Aquarius Lagna with Sun and Mercury in Lagna and Saturn in eleventh in Sagittarius father will have no siblings and will die when the native is of ten years old. 52. Aquarius Lagna with Sun in Lagna and Jupiter and Mercury in eleventh in Sagittarius Father will be living by roaming about in various countries and he will die before the native attains his fifteenth year. 53. Aquarius Lagna with Sun in Lagna and Mars in ninth in Libra Out of the thirteen coborns of the father only one male and one female will have long life; others will die. Before the native attains his twentieth year, father will die. 54. Aquarius Lagna with Sun and Jupiter in Lagna and Moon in ninth in Libra father will have no siblings and he will die in his young age. 55. Pisces Lagna with Sun in Lagna and Mars in fourth in Gemini and Jupiter in tenth in Sagittarius natives father will have four brothers and one sister. Father will die when the native is of twenty nine years old. 56. Pisces Lagna with Sun and Mercury in Lagna and Mars in the twelfth in Aquarius father will have no siblings and he will die when the native is of fifty years old. 57. Pisces Lagna with Sun and Rahu in Lagna and Moon in seventh in Virgo Out of three members of the fathers family only the natives father will survive. Father will have two wives. 58. Pisces Lagna with Sun and Venus in Lagna and (This chart is incomplete and the results are also not written full) There are more writings and more charts and I shall try to present them in the forthcoming issues.

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