Undergraduate Transcript Fall 2007-2008: Course Title Grade

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Name Student Number Birth Date Admit Semester Admit Type

:Umut Ruhi :00011459 : 19 February 1989 :Fall 2007-2008 :Standard - OSYM

Level Faculty Program Degree Awarded Date of Leaving

:Undergraduate :Faculty of Eng. & Natural Sci. :Manufacturing Systems Engineering :Bachelor of Science :23 June 2012

Course Code Course Title

Fall 2007-2008
Faculty CIP ENG TLL : Faculty of Eng. & Natural Sci. 101 Civic Involvement Projects 001 Basic English 001 Communication Skills inTurkish

Level Status Program UG F F Status Program UG F F F

Grade : Active : Undeclared P S P : Active : Undeclared S P S S

Credit Quality Point Repeat Level : F-Foundation Development Year 0.00 0.00Excluded 0.00Excluded Standing: Satisfactory Level : F-Foundation Development Year 0.00 0.00Excluded 0.00Excluded 0.00Excluded Standing: Satisfactory Level : F-Foundation Development Year 0.00Excluded Standing: Unsatisfactory Level : F-Foundation Development Year 0.00Excluded 0.00Excluded Standing: Satisfactory Level : UG-Undergraduate 8.10 8.10 4.00 11.10 14.80 9.00 6.60 Standing: Satisfactory Dean List: Honor Level : UG-Undergraduate 3.90Repeated 12.00 Standing: Satisfactory Level : UG-Undergraduate 3.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 3.90 3.40 9.00 12.00 12.00 5.10 6.00 Standing: Satisfactory 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Spring 2007-2008
Faculty CIP ENG ENG TLL : Faculty of Eng. & Natural Sci. 101 Civic Involvement Projects 002 Intermediate English 002 Intermediate English 001 Communication Skills inTurkish

Summer 2007-2008
Faculty ENG : Faculty of Eng. & Natural Sci. 003 Upper-intermediate English

Status : Active Program : Undeclared F U Status Program F F Status Program UG UG UG UG UG UG UG : Active : Undeclared SL S : Active : Undeclared BBC AAB B+

Fall 2008-2009
Faculty ELAE ENG : Faculty of Eng. & Natural Sci. 000 Eng. Language Assessment Exam 003 Upper-intermediate English

Spring 2008-2009
Faculty ENG ENG HIST MATH NS SPS TLL : Faculty of Eng. & Natural Sci. 101 Freshman English I 102 Freshman English II 191 Principles of Atatrk I 101 Calculus I 101 Science of Nature I 101 Humanity & Society I 101 Turkish Language&Literature I

Summer 2008-2009
Faculty CS MATH : Faculty of Eng. & Natural Sci. 201 Introduction to Computing 102 Calculus II

Status Program UG UG Status Program UG UG UG UG UG UG UG

: Active : Undeclared D+ A : Active : Undeclared D+ CB B A CB

Fall 2009-2010
Faculty CS HIST MATH NS PROJ SPS TLL : Faculty of Eng. & Natural Sci. 201 Introduction to Computing 192 Principles of Atatrk II 201 Linear Algebra 102 Science of Nature II 102 Project Course 102 Humanity & Society II 102 Turkish Language&Literature II

Arzu Sert Manager of Student Resources Page 1 / 3 19.12.2012 13:12

Name Student Number Birth Date Admit Semester Admit Type

:Umut Ruhi :00011459 : 19 February 1989 :Fall 2007-2008 :Standard - OSYM

Level Faculty Program Degree Awarded Date of Leaving Status Program UG UG UG UG UG Status Program UG UG Status Program UG UG UG UG UG Status Program UG UG UG UG UG Status Program UG UG UG Status Program UG UG UG UG UG

:Undergraduate :Faculty of Eng. & Natural Sci. :Manufacturing Systems Engineering :Bachelor of Science :23 June 2012

Spring 2009-2010
Faculty ECON ENS MATH MGMT MS : Faculty of Eng. & Natural Sci. 202 Macroeconomics 206 Systems Modelling & Control 204 Discrete Mathematics 202 Int.to Financial Acc.&Report. 301 Deterministic Models in OR

: Active : Undeclared A C B BB

Level : UG-Undergraduate 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00

Summer 2009-2010
Faculty ECON MATH : Faculty of Eng. & Natural Sci. 204 Microeconomics 203 Introduction to Probability

Fall 2010-2011
Faculty ECON ENS MATH MS MS : Faculty of Eng. & Natural Sci. 201 Games and Strategies 208 Int.to Manufacturing Systems 306 Statistical Modelling 302 Stochastic Models in OR 303 Decision Economics

Spring 2010-2011
Faculty MS MS MS MS SPS : Faculty of Eng. & Natural Sci. 304 Product.& Serv.Sys Plan&Design 305 Simulation 309 Manufacturing Processes I 401 Produc.&Service Sys.Operations 303 Law and Ethics

Summer 2010-2011
Faculty HUM MS PROJ : Faculty of Eng. & Natural Sci. 204 Major Works of Classical Music 405 Decision Analysis 302 Summer Project

Fall 2011-2012
Faculty ENS ENS MATH MS MS : Faculty of Eng. & Natural Sci. 209 Intr.to Comp.Aided Draft&Solid 491 Graduation Project (Design) 305 Complex Calculus 302 Stochastic Models in OR 454 Supply Chain Analysis

12.00 6.00 9.00 8.10 12.00 Standing: Satisfactory : Active Level : UG-Undergraduate : Manufacturing Systems Engineering B 3.00 9.00 A3.00 11.10 Standing: Satisfactory : Active Level : UG-Undergraduate : Manufacturing Systems Engineering B3.00 8.10 C 3.00 6.00 A3.00 11.10 F 4.00 0.00Repeated C 3.00 6.00 Standing: Satisfactory : Active Level : UG-Undergraduate : Manufacturing Systems Engineering B3.00 8.10 D 3.00 3.00 B 3.00 9.00 B3.00 8.10 B 3.00 9.00 Standing: Satisfactory : Active Level : UG-Undergraduate : Manufacturing Systems Engineering D 3.00 3.00 B 3.00 9.00 S 0.00 0.00 Standing: Satisfactory : Active Level : UG-Undergraduate : Manufacturing Systems Engineering F 3.00 0.00Repeated S 0.00 0.00 C 3.00 6.00 D 4.00 4.00 D 3.00 3.00 Standing: Satisfactory

Arzu Sert Manager of Student Resources Page 2 / 3 19.12.2012 13:12

Name Student Number Birth Date Admit Semester Admit Type

:Umut Ruhi :00011459 : 19 February 1989 :Fall 2007-2008 :Standard - OSYM

Level Faculty Program Degree Awarded Date of Leaving Status Program UG UG UG UG UG

:Undergraduate :Faculty of Eng. & Natural Sci. :Manufacturing Systems Engineering :Bachelor of Science :23 June 2012

Spring 2011-2012
Faculty ENS ENS MS MS MS : Faculty of Eng. & Natural Sci. 209 Intr.to Comp.Aided Draft&Solid 492 Graduation Project(Implement.) 306 Ergonomics 402 Integrated Manufacturing Sys. 403 Quality Planning & Control

: Active Level : UG-Undergraduate : Manufacturing Systems Engineering C+ 3.00 6.90 C4.00 6.80 C3.00 5.10 D 4.00 4.00 C+ 3.00 6.90 Standing: Satisfactory Total GPA Total Quality Points GPA Credits Term : 29.70 17.00 1.74 Cumulative : 315.40 125.00 2.52

Total Earned Credits 17.00 125.00

** End of Transcript ** No printed lines below this line

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