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Fill in the correct words into the gaps.

1) Hello, my name is

. In America I'm also called

2) I come through the

of the house.

3) My

wait on the roof.

4) I have lots of

for the children.

5) I put them under the

6) The children in Britain like to hang up a big

near the fireplace.

7) Sometimes they decorate the room with a

8) In some rooms I also find a

9) I like to come to houses where children have put a

1) Hello, my name is Santa Claus. In America I'm also called Father Christmas.

2) I come through the chimney of the house.

3) My reindeer wait on the roof.

4) I have lots of presents for the children.

5) I put them under the Christmas tree.

6) The children in Britain like to hang up a big stocking near the fireplace.

7) Sometimes they decorate the room with a mistletoe.

8) In some rooms I also find a bell.

9) I like to come to houses where children have put a snowman.

FIND SOMEONE WHO.. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Enjoys Christmas more than other holidays. Knows by heart the first four lines of Jingle bells. Would decorate his/her Christmas tree in silver and blue this year. Likes giving presents more than receiving them. Usually spends his/her winter holiday in a mountain resort. Can cook cozonac cu nuca. Uses to send postcards for Christmas to all his/her relatives instead of making phonecalls. Prefers snowy winters. Knows at least 5 carols. 10. Can play a musical instrument to sing carols.

Put the letters in the following words into the correct order and write them into the gaps. Example: aasnt lcsua - __________ Answer: aasnt lcsua - Santa Claus 1) nechimy 2) kingsstoc 3) mtoistlee 4) rdeeeinr 5) olhly 6) inelts 7) coarl gsiners 8) tmachriss dpinudg 9) tkeury 10) eseprnts -

Now choose 5 of the words and make a poem using them.

1) nechimy - chimney 2) kingsstoc - stockings 3) mtoistlee - mistletoe 4) rdeeeinr - reindeer 5) olhly - holly 6) inelts - tinsel 7) coarl gsiners - carol singers 8) tmachriss dpinudg - Christmas pudding 9) tkeury - turkey 10) eseprnts - presents

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