L25 - Object Oriented Design Basics

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Object Oriented Design Process

Software Development Process

1. 2. 3. Three Phases Analysis Design Implementation

Analysis Phase
Goal : Complete Description of What the Software Product Should do? Result of Analysis Phase is detailed textual description [Functional Specification]

Design Phase
Goals: 1. Identification of Classes 2. Identification of Responsibilities of each class 3. Identification of Relation ships among various classes

1. 2. 3. Goal: Programming (Coding Phase) Testing Deployment

Whats Object?
1. 2. 3. Object is characterized by State [Collection of all information] Behavior [Operations, Responsibilities] Identity [ Unique Attribute] Class is collection of objects with same behavior and attributes An Object is simply an instance of Class

Class Relationships
1. 2. 3. 4. Association Dependency [ Uses] Aggregation [ hasA , a-part-of] Inheritance [ isA]

Physical or Conceptual Connection between Two or more objects A Pilot can fly a Plane
Pilot can fly flown by Plane

Association Name Role of Role of B A

Binary Association Examples

Student Registration Registered Offered To in Course


Purchased Sold to


Aggregation (a-part-of)
Object Containment Composition [Strong Ownership]
1 Team 1..10 Player Aggregation

1 Human

1 Heart Composition


2 Eyes Composition

isA [Inheritance]
Inheritance Relationship [Reusability]



Dependency [Uses]
One Class depends upon another class if it manipulates the Objects of another class

UML Connectors
Uses Aggregation Composition Association Directed Association Inheritance

Interface Implementation

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