HolyStir Series Outline

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The Holy-Stir

Basics of Belief Series: Pneumatology-Holy Spirit Key Verses: Gen 1:2

Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the WATER and the Spirit of God STIRRED the waters of the deep

WEEK 1: Holy What? ( Understanding the Holy Spirit)

1. The Trinity? Definition: One United God That Exists As Three Equal, Eternal, Divine Persons The Trinity Symbol (show)- God the Father, God the Son, God the Spirit Lets Try These (Visuals) o 3 Leaf Clover (3 sections, 1 Leaf) o Fire (match or lighter: Light, Heat, Flame) o Water (glass of water: liquid, gas, ice- all H20) o Egg (real or fake egg: yolk, white, and shell) o Math: 1x1x1= 1? (screen, white board, or piece of paper) God in 3D (3D Glasses)

o We live in a 3 Dimensional World and God exists in 3-D o Show 3D pictures or diagrams ( 3 dimensional drawing of a box) 2. The Holy-Stir? 4. Two Stories: a. Being Born Again John 3:1-8 John 4:19-24 John 7: 37-38 b. Being Worshipped 5. Surfs Up, Riding the Wave of Living Water! Gen 1:27 Matt. 28:19 Acts 1:8 John 14:15-17 John 16:7-8

3. A Holy Helper?

Closing Verse: Rom. 8:9-11 TIPS & RESOURCES: Video Illustration: Racing Stripes- Final race scene, as the flies are sent to encourage and cheer on the zebra. Like Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit as a Helper Video Visuals: The Gospel of John (3 DVD Set)- Use them for the verses in John, instead of reading them or in addition to reading them use chapter sections as a visual of the passage. Closing Video/Song: (*going old school) Use the song Spirit Thing by the Newsboy. Sell it by saying something like this a song I (or your parents) might have listen to, when they were in JH/MS .

WEEK 2: Righteous Name Dude? (Names of The Holy Spirit)

1. Calling You: A New Life and Calling I Cor. 6:19-20

Rom. 8:9-11 a. Spirit Of I Cor. 3:16- God Rom. 8:9- Law Rom. 8:2- Christ Heb. 10:29- Grace I Peter 4:13-14- Glory Is. 4:4- Judgment John 14:15-17- Comforter/Counselor Heb. 9:14- Eternal Luke 1:35- Power of the Most High Job 32:8- Breath of the Almighty Acts 2:2- Wind Acts 2:3- Flame John 7:37-38- Water Matt. 3:16- Dove Eph. 4:30- Seal Eph. 1:14- Deposit Luke 24:49- Clothes

2. Holla Back! Names of the Holy Spirit

b. Other Names:

3. Picture This?: Pictures of the Holy Spirit

Closing Verse: His Calling and Power on Us- II Peter 1:3-4 TIPS & RESOURCES: Introduction Video: What is the Holy Spirit (youtube) Video Illustration: Ratatouille- Scene of rat hiding under the chefs hat controlling this body and hands as he does his work. Like the Holy Spirit the hidden helper in our lives allowing us to do what we are called to do Object Lesson/Visuals: Picture This section - A Fan- Wind

- Matches/Lighter/Candle- Flame - Bottle of Water- Water - Stuffed Animal Bird- Dove - Ink Stamper- Seal - Check book or Check- Deposit - An Article of Clothing- Clothes

WEEK 3: Get a Real Job? (Work of the Holy Spirit)

1. Spirit at Work.Teaching! John 14:26 I Tim. 3:16, II Peter 2:20-21 Breathing Inspiration Carrying Along.. Rom. 8:25-27 Understand even our groans and our cries Rom. 8:14 John 16:13 Our Invisible Guide I Cor. 12:4-7 John 16:8 (convicting) II Thess 1:17 (sanctifying) Rom. 8:16 (assuring)

2. Spirit at WorkInspiring!

3. Spirit at WorkCommunicated

4. Spirit at WorkGuiding

5. Spirit at Work.Giving Gifts 6. Spirit at Workin Saving

Closing Verse: The Holy Spirit is at Work in YOU- I Cor. 6;19 TIPS & RESOURCES: Video Illustration (Teaching)- Glory Road- Scene where mother goes to class with failing basketball player Video Illustration (Inspiring/Carrying Along)- Ghost- Scene with dad husband speaking to his wife and carrying along the penny

Video Illustration (Communicating)- Mr. Hollands Opus- Scene with Mr. Holland trying to communicate with his deaf son. Video Illustration (Guide)- The 3 Amigos- Scene calling on the Invisible Horsemen to be their guide Video Illustration (Gifts)- Chronicles of Narnia- Scene where Santa gives each child a gift that suits them and their calling Video Illustration (Saving)- The Guardian- Scene where people are rescue/saved from the drowning

WEEK 4:Get a Job Too? (Holy Spirit as Our Conscience)

1. Review: The Holy Spirit IS Part of the Triune God- Gen. 1:2 The Holy Spirit is Called and Pictured in Many Ways in the Bible- I Cor. 3:16 The Holy Spirit is Active in Working in Our Lives: o Teaching, Inspiring, Communicating, Guiding, Gifting, and Even a part of our Salvation 2. The Holy Spirit is also at Work as A Holy Stirring in US that is calling us to Serve! I Cor 6:19, Rom 8:9-11 3. Another way the Holy Spirit Stirs in our Lives is through being our Conscience (*show Pinocchio clip #1) -Rom 9:1 -Titus 1:15 4. Do You Have a Clear Conscience before God and Others. (Show Pinocchio Clip #2)- Act. 24:15-16 In our Thoughts?- Rom. 2:15-16 In our Actions?- Rom. 13:4-5, II Cor. 1:12 In our Truthfulness?- II Cor. 4:1-2, I Tim. 1:5-7 (Show Pinocchio Clip #3) 5. Are You Ignoring The Holy Spirits Stirring? - I Tim. 4:2 Closing Challenge!: The Holy Spirit is Stirring and Calling You to Ride the Wave of this Spirit and Power, in order for you to truly discover the REAL life!! Heb. 9:14, I Peter 3:21 (Show Pinocchio Clip #4) TIPS & RESOURCES:

Video Illustration: Pinocchio Clip #1- Scene where fairy gives Pinocchio Life and Jiminy Cricket is dubbed his conscience (*stop with always let your conscience be your guide) Video Illustration: Pinocchio Clip #2- Scene where Jiminy Cricket TRIES to explains right and wrong (starts where clip #1 stopped) Video Illustration: Pinocchio Clip #3- Scene inside the whale leading to them being shipwrecked on the shore.- consequences of riding the wrong wave and ignoring the Holy Spirit Video Illustration: Pinocchio Clip #4- Scene where Pinocchio is resurrected to a new REAL life. (*Start where clip #3 left off with Pinocchio lying dead on the beach)

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