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Humienny,Z., Biaas,S., Osanna,P.H., Tamre,M., Weckenmann,A., Blunt,L., Jakubiec,W., Durakbasa,M.N., Mrtson,I., Jiang,X., Kiszka,K., Malinowski,J., Afjehi-Sadat,A., Geus,D., Killmaier,T., Leniewicz,A., Powucha,W., Starczak,M. Geometrical Product Specification cap.1, 2,18, 19. [BLU.01] Humienny,Z., Biaas,S., Osanna,P.H., Tamre,M., Weckenmann,A., Blunt,L., Jakubiec,W., Durakbasa,M.N., Mrtson,I., Jiang,X., Kiszka,K., Malinowski,J., Afjehi-Sadat,A., Geus,D., Killmaier,T., Leniewicz,A., Powucha,W., Starczak,M. Geometrical Product Specification cap.16 [CRI.98] Crisan, L.,Itu, T - A Method of Measurement of the Gear Circular Pitch using the Goniometer , 9th DAAAM INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM - Technical University Cluj Napoca, Romania, 1998, pag.131-132 [CRI.99] Crian,L., Popescu,S., Brad,S., Lemeni,L. - Tehnici i metode ale Managementului Calit ii Ed. Casa cr ii de tiin - 1999 [CRI.99] Crian,.L Cercetri privind asigurarea calit ii pieselor prelucrate utiliznd sisteme moderne de msurare i prelucrare a datelor Tez de doctorat, Cluj Napoca, 1999 [CVT.98] Cursuri de var n Managementul i Asigurarea Cali ii 1997 i 1998- Proiect Tempus 11517/96 [DUT.96] Dutschke,W. Fertigungmetechnik B.G. Teubner Stuttgart 1996 171



Humienny,Z., Biaas,S., Osanna,P.H., Tamre,M., Weckenmann,A., Blunt,L., Jakubiec,W., Durakbasa,M.N., Mrtson,I., Jiang,X., Kiszka,K., Malinowski,J., Afjehi-Sadat,A., Geus,D., Killmaier,T., Leniewicz,A., Powucha,W., Starczak,M. Geometrical Product Specification cap.4, 5, 8,17,23, 24. [GUM,95] Guide to the Expresion of Uncertainty in Measurement, ISO, Geneva, 1995 [ISO.213] Standarde ISO publicate la pagina web: [ITU.97] Itu,T., Crisan,L., Tripa,M. - Toleran e i ajustaje. Lan uri de dimensiuni. Ed. ICPIAF, 1997. [ITU.97] Itu,T., Crisan,L., Tripa,M., Todoran,D. - Toleran e geometrice. Starea suprafe elor. Probabilitatea abaterilor. Ed. ICPIAF 1997. [IVB,94] International Vocabulary of Basic and General Terms in Metrology. Beuth, Berlin 1994 [JAK.01] Humienny,Z., Biaas,S., Osanna,P.H., Tamre,M., Weckenmann,A., Blunt,L., Jakubiec,W., Durakbasa,M.N., Mrtson,I., Jiang,X., Kiszka,K., Malinowski,J., Afjehi-Sadat,A., Geus,D., Killmaier,T., Leniewicz,A., Powucha,W., Starczak,M. Geometrical Product Specification- cap 10 [MR.01] Humienny,Z., Biaas,S., Osanna,P.H., Tamre,M., Weckenmann,A., Blunt,L., Jakubiec,W., Durakbasa,M.N., Mrtson,I., Jiang,X., Kiszka,K., Malinowski,J., Afjehi-Sadat,A., Geus,D., Killmaier,T., Leniewicz,A., Powucha,W., Starczak,M. Geometrical Product Specification cap.6








[OSA.99] [PFE.93] [POP.98]



Humienny,Z., Biaas,S., Osanna,P.H., Tamre,M., Weckenmann,A., Blunt,L., Jakubiec,W., Durakbasa,M.N., Mrtson,I., Jiang,X., Kiszka,K., Malinowski,J., Afjehi-Sadat,A., Geus,D., Killmaier,T., Leniewicz,A., Powucha,W., Starczak,M. Geometrical Product Specification cap.12,13,21. Osanna,P.H., - Stichwort Qualitt. Productionsmesstechnik zur Qualittssicherung, Universitverlag, Wien, 1992 Osanna,P.H., Ycer,Y.H., Durakbasa,M.N. Koordinatenmesstechnik fr das Qualittsmanagement im Produktionsbetrieb Facultas Universittsverlag 1995 Osanna,P.H., Krsek,A., Prostrednik,D., Kuric,I. Qualitt und Fertigungsmetechnik, TU AUM Wien 1998 Osanna,P.H. Basic Quality Management and Metrology, curs A.U.M., T.U. Wien, 1999 Pfeifer, T. - Qualitts management. Strategien, Methoden. Tehniken. Mnchen-Wien 1993 Popescu, S., Crian, L., Hurgoiu, D.; Hedeiu, H Roughness Measurements Using Image Acquisition Automation und Messtechnik nr.4 / 1999, pag.249 253. (lucrare selectat din volumul simpozionului 6th ISMQC IMEKO SYMPOSIUM Viena 8-10.Sep.1998 Rembold, U., Blume, C., Dillmann, R. - Computer Integrated Manufacturing Technology and Systems, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New york and Basel, 1989 te iu,M.G.V., Lzrescu,I.D. Cotarea func ional i cotarea tehnologic Interpretri moderne EDP 1999



Humienny,Z., Biaas,S., Osanna,P.H., Tamre,M., Weckenmann,A., Blunt,L., Jakubiec,W., Durakbasa,M.N., Mrtson,I., Jiang,X., Kiszka,K., Malinowski,J., Afjehi-Sadat,A., Geus,D., Killmaier,T., Leniewicz,A., Powucha,W., Starczak,M. Geometrical Product Specification cap.15 [WEK.98] Weckenmann, A., Knauser,M Causes and Consequences of Measurement Uncertainty in Production Metrology - 6th ISMQC IMEKO Symposium Metrology for Quality Control in Production, Vienna 1998 [WEK.99] Weckenmann,A., Gewande,B. Koorditatenmetechnik Mnchen, Carl Hanse, 1999.



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