Cultural Ediquette

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Rebecca Ortega Per 6 2/12/13 Cultural Etiquette What is cultural etiquette?

Country Italy name Flag



The people

In Italy their families are the most important to them. When they greet people they kiss them on both cheeks. When they are speaking they make eye contact.

The vast majority of Canadians claim European ancestry they are mostly calm and nice.

Deeply rooted in Chinese society is the need to belong and conform to a unit, whether the family, a political party or an organization. Shake hands upon meeting. Chinese may nod or bow instead of shaking hands Clicking fingers or whistling is considered very rude. Punctuality is important for foreign businesspeople. Being late is rude. Meetings always begin on time. Chinese find "no" difficult to say. They may say "maybe" or "we'll see" in order to be

Meeting and Greeting Body language

In general, Canadians are more reserved and polite than Americans, and take matters of etiquette a little more seriously. French Canadians are generally more animated and expressive than other Canadians. And there are some French. Punctuality is demanded for business meetings and social occasions. If a conflict arises, you are expected to let your Canadian counterpart know immediately. Do not compare Canada with the United States.

Corporate Most of the Mexicans culture dont do deals over the phone. Helpful Hints They speak Spanish to appreciate their culture.


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