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Pennsylvania in 1794 Farmers opposed a tax on whiskey They burned down buildings in an armed protest Washington sent an army

to crush troops Showed that government would use force to keep order
How does this tie in with no taxation w/o


Final battle of Northwest Indian War Native Americans vs. American settlers American army under General Anthony Wayne Victory for Americans Native Americans signed Treaty of Greenville

Why would the Native Americans want to

fight the American settlers?

Native Americans signed following Battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794 Native Americans gave up most of land that is now Ohio Important victory for Americans

Britain and France went to war in 1793 Washington hoped America could stay neutral not take sides in conflict

What country decided to help the United

States, and what war was that?

Proclamation of Neutrality declared that US citizens could not fight in the war Also stopped French and British warships from using American ports

Seizing people against their will and forcing them to serve in the military or other public service Example: Washington wanted the Americans to stay neutral when Britain and France went to war. However, the British captured American ships that traded with the French and forced Americans into British navy. Impressionment angered Americans

British agreed to leave American soil Did not deal with impressment Did not deal with British interfering with American trade Unpopular

What did the treaty not solve?

Between Spain and U.S. Gave Americans right to travel the Mississippi River Gave Americans right to trade at New Orleans

Why did Spain make this treaty?(Think about

what war the US had just won)

Retired after two terms as president Last speech: warned country not to get involved in foreign problems Also warned against creating political parties

Get into your groups of 2 or 3 Take out a piece of paper Choose one Treaty

Treaty of Greenville Pinckneys Treaty Jays Treaty

Make a short list why you think it is important. USAH054-H.gif humb/9/9b/Republicanlogo.svg/200pxRepublicanlogo.svg.png

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