Sociology Guess 2013

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Sociology 2013 (National Officers Academy)

Please keep in mind that questions in paper will never be exactly like these but quite near to them. All you have to do is to comprehend them properly

1. What is the role of culture in socialization of an individual to become a

useful member of the society? Is socialization through media responsible for the change in value system of your generation? Discuss with examples from Pakistan

2. Compare and contrast Ibn -e Khaludun, Karl Marx and Max Weber

3. Write notes on the following

a. Theory of Labor b. Webers Ideal type of Bureaucracy c. Durkheims theory of Suicide


What is sociological research and what is its importance? Why and what method would you choose to conduct research on juvenile delinquency in Pakistan?


Discuss the feudal system in Pakistan. What is the role of biraderies and castes in electioneering in Pakistan


Define social institutions. How far have political and economic institutions in Pakistan influenced by religion?


Discuss the role of media in social and cultural change in Pakistan. What type of social planning/policy is needed to direct this change in the context of our own social and cultural values? Discuss with examples.

8. What do you understand by social mobility? Discuss do transfer of payments aid or discourage social mobility.

9. Urbanization and Poverty have posed a dilemma for policy makers in

Pakistan. Discuss.

10. How do you perceive the future of family institution/system in Pakistan?

Discuss with examples especially keeping in view marriage, elderly and youth problems in the families

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