Market Research:: and To Research Companies Like - That Finding The Information Is The Easy Part

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3 simple elements of a successful B2B go to market strategy are:

Market Intelligence For any B2B go to market strategy, a basic demonstrated understanding of the market is needed. The best way to The elements of thorough Market Intelligence analysis include:

Market Research:

Brand Promise The final B2B go to market strategy element is your Brand Promise. This is the juncture where your market researc

ket is needed. The best way to ascertain this information is a combination of primary and secondary market research. In the tec

ure where your market research, the target market, and your clients technology solution meet.

dary market research. In the technology marketing space, there are so many resources available from publishers like IDG an

e from publishers like IDG andUBM to research companies like Forrester that finding the information is the easy part.

ormation is the easy part.

Market Intelligence

Customer Research: Who are my customers? Where are they? What is their job title? And most importantly, what is it that keeps them up at night? What is my market? Is it a young market or a more mature market? Who are my competitors and what are they saying? How am I competing within this market with regard to price, expertise, functionality, etc.?

Market Segmentation

Market Segmentation

The second element in a successful B2B go to market strategy is market segmentation. The findings from the market research you completed in the Market Intelligence phase dete

Brand release schedule, positioning, naming, pricing, packaging, distribution, and evolution Designing and producing launch materials Planning launch and lead generation events, and follow-up activities Creating high impact advertising campaigns through appropriate media outlets Developing direct mail campaigns and telemarketing efforts Designing point-of-purchase elements for retail placement Writing newsletters and producing contests to generate credibility Questions to keep in mind: excitement and Is what you are bringing to market something that is needed by your target market? What supports your claim that your solution will fulfill their need? Why should your target market believe you?

e, functionality, etc.?

arket segmentation. Intelligence phase determine who is most likely to purchase your product, solution, or service.

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