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17 and Smashed Audience Feedback Results

Was the opening sequence effective?

Are the sound levels of a good quality?

Is the voiceover clear and understandable?

Does the Documentary run smoothly throughout?

Is the information relevant to the documentary?

Does the Documentary inform you about the teenage drinking? No Yes Is there a good range of camera shots/angles?

Is there a good use of images/ diagrams?

Have we used effective camera techniques?

Is the secondary footage used effectively?

Are the interviewees appropriate?

Are the expert interviews relevant?

Does it appeal to the target audience (16-25)? 0 5 10 15 20 25

Other Footage If improvements were to be made, what should be improved? Camera Edit Sound 0 5 10 15 20

Was the radio trailer easy to understand?

Was it appropriate? No Is the article suitable for the target audience? Yes

Are the images used well?





Any improvements too:

Double Page Spread Overall Good Images Editing Sound Radio Trailer Content




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