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Instructions: Kindly answer the following questions with honesty. Check your answer. 1.

Do you think that O Yes O No 2. If your answer is Yes on Number 1, do you think that going to other countries is a good way to earn money? (Explain your answer) O Yes _________________________________________________________ O No __________________________________________________________ 3. Does our Government provide useful projects to fight Poverty for the benefit of the Filipino Families? O Yes O No 4. What can you do as an Individual to fight poverty here in the Philippines? O Family Planning O Having a Savings Account in a Bank O Investing bonds to Banks O O Asking money to others O Having debts O Others (Specify.) _______________

5. As a son/daughter to your parents what can you do to sustain your good relationship in the family despite of challenges we are facing in our lives? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

"Acting is just a way of making a living; the family is life." - Denzel Washington

Out of 25 respondents randomly chosen from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year levels, 21 out of 25 agreed on question 1 that poverty is one the reasons why families are thorn down into pieces. Saying yes, they justified their answer, indicating that going to other countries is a good way to earn money because of fewer opportunities and that most jobs offer low salary that is insufficient to support a growing family. For question no.3 18 out of 25 students believed that our government provides useful projects to fight Poverty for the benefit of the Filipino Families. In question 4, Prioritizing Education was checked by 23 students. Family planning by 19 and having a savings account by 15. Lastly, for question no. 5, the most common answer as to what can pne do to sustain the good relationship in the family despite of challenges being faced was to save for future preferences.

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