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<w:t>Post goods issue</w:t>
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- <w:r w:rsidRPr="004509E2">
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<w:b />
- <w:r>
<w:t>- (Reverse Goods movement) to cancel goods already issued.</w:t>
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
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<w:jc w:val="both" />

- <w:r w:rsidRPr="00AF2065">
- <w:rPr>
<w:b />
- <w:r>
<w:t>- (collective PGI / PGR) it is required when issue or receipt is to be made for a no. of
deliveries / receipts.</w:t>
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
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<w:b />
<w:t xml:space="preserve">VL02N-</w:t>
- <w:r w:rsidRPr="004C4677">
<w:t xml:space="preserve">(post goods issue or Post goods receipt)</w:t>
- <w:r>
<w:t>it is an operation which reduces the material stock</w:t>

- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
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<w:jc w:val="both" />
- <w:r w:rsidRPr="00B37799">
- <w:rPr>
<w:b />
- <w:r>
<w:t xml:space="preserve">(create outbound delivery)</w:t>
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
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<w:szCs w:val="16" />
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:sz w:val="16" />
<w:szCs w:val="16" />
<w:t>Sales Document->Deliver</w:t>
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
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<w:jc w:val="both" />
- <w:r w:rsidRPr="00881E68">
- <w:rPr>
<w:b />

<w:t>VA41, VA42, VA43</w:t>
- <w:r>
<w:t xml:space="preserve">(Contract Creation)</w:t>
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
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<w:pStyle w:val="NoSpacing" />
<w:jc w:val="both" />
- <w:r w:rsidRPr="00881E68">
- <w:rPr>
<w:b />
<w:t>VA01, VA02, VA03</w:t>
- <w:r>
- <w:p w:rsidR="00B065A6" w:rsidRDefault="00B065A6" w:rsidP="00B065A6">
- <w:pPr>
<w:pStyle w:val="NoSpacing" />
<w:jc w:val="both" />
- <w:r w:rsidRPr="00A84D25">
- <w:r>
<w:t xml:space="preserve">Jay ADT settlement,</w:t>
- <w:p w:rsidR="00B065A6" w:rsidRDefault="00B065A6" w:rsidP="00B065A6">

- <w:pPr>
<w:pStyle w:val="NoSpacing" />
<w:jc w:val="both" />
- <w:r>
<w:t xml:space="preserve">ADTI Jay ADT Resale, ZDOR Jay domestic, ZDRT Jay Retail, ZEOR
Jay Export, ZFD Jay Deliv. FOC, ZJCR Jay Credit Memo Req., ZJDR Jay Debit Memo Req., ZJKA
Jay Consign. Pick up, ZJKB Jay Consign. Fill up, ZJKE Jay Consign. Issue, ZJKR Jay Consign.
Return, ZJOB Jay job order, ZJRE Jay Return Order, ZORD Jay Depot, ZSCR Jay scrap sale.</w:t>
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
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<v:stroke endarrow="block" />
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<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
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<v:stroke endarrow="block" />
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
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<v:stroke endarrow="block" />

- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
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- <w:pPr>
<w:jc w:val="both" />
- <w:r w:rsidRPr="00881E68">
- <w:rPr>
<w:b />
- <w:r>
<w:t xml:space="preserve">(Quotation Creation)</w:t>
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
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<w:jc w:val="both" />
- <w:r w:rsidRPr="00881E68">
- <w:rPr>
<w:b />
<w:t xml:space="preserve">VD51</w:t>

- <w:r>
<w:t>(customer material Info records)</w:t>
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
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- <w:r w:rsidRPr="00881E68">
- <w:rPr>
<w:b />
<w:t>XD01, XD02, XD03</w:t>
- <w:r>
<w:t xml:space="preserve">(customer data)</w:t>
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
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<v:stroke endarrow="block" />
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- <w:rPr>

<w:noProof />
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<v:stroke endarrow="block" />
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<w:noProof />
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<v:stroke endarrow="block" />
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<w:noProof />
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<v:stroke endarrow="block" />
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<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
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<v:stroke endarrow="block" />
<w:p w:rsidR="00F02D0B" w:rsidRDefault="00F02D0B" w:rsidP="00B065A6" />
<w:p w:rsidR="00B065A6" w:rsidRDefault="00B065A6" w:rsidP="00B065A6" />

<w:p w:rsidR="00B065A6" w:rsidRDefault="00B065A6" w:rsidP="00B065A6" />

<w:p w:rsidR="00B065A6" w:rsidRDefault="00B065A6" w:rsidP="00B065A6" />
<w:p w:rsidR="00B065A6" w:rsidRDefault="00B065A6" w:rsidP="00B065A6" />
<w:p w:rsidR="00B065A6" w:rsidRDefault="00B065A6" w:rsidP="00B065A6" />
<w:p w:rsidR="00B065A6" w:rsidRDefault="00B065A6" w:rsidP="00B065A6" />
<w:p w:rsidR="00B065A6" w:rsidRDefault="00B065A6" w:rsidP="00B065A6" />
- <w:p w:rsidR="00B065A6" w:rsidRDefault="00EF3B70">
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
<v:shape id="_x0000_s1058" type="#_x0000_t32" style="position:absolute;marginleft:199.25pt;margin-top:168.6pt;width:0;height:324.55pt;z-index:251710464"
o:connectortype="straight" />
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
<v:shape id="_x0000_s1059" type="#_x0000_t32" style="position:absolute;marginleft:199.25pt;margin-top:168.6pt;width:12.55pt;height:0;flip:x;z-index:251709440"
o:connectortype="straight" />
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
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- <w:txbxContent>
- <w:p w:rsidR="00B065A6" w:rsidRDefault="00B065A6" w:rsidP="006A7A9F">
- <w:pPr>
<w:jc w:val="both" />
- <w:r w:rsidRPr="006D72B0">
- <w:rPr>
<w:b />
- <w:r>
<w:t>- (create billing document)</w:t>

- <w:r w:rsidR="006A7A9F">
<w:t xml:space="preserve">excise invoice</w:t>
- <w:r w:rsidR="008F2D9D">
- <w:r w:rsidR="006A7A9F">
<w:t xml:space="preserve">for domestic) or</w:t>
- <w:r w:rsidR="00D074D3">
- <w:r w:rsidR="006A7A9F">
<w:t xml:space="preserve">invoice (for export)</w:t>
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
- <v:shape id="_x0000_s1061" type="#_x0000_t32" style="position:absolute;marginleft:190.2pt;margin-top:199.65pt;width:22.45pt;height:0;z-index:251693056"
<v:stroke endarrow="block" />
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
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o:connectortype="straight" />
- <w:r>
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<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
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o:connectortype="straight" />
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- <w:r w:rsidRPr="00916498">
- <w:rPr>
<w:b />
- <w:r>
<w:t>- (create stock transfer order)</w:t>
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
<v:shape id="_x0000_s1065" type="#_x0000_t32" style="position:absolute;marginleft:438.45pt;margin-top:371.7pt;width:1.05pt;height:121.45pt;z-index:251706368"
o:connectortype="straight" />
- <w:r>
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<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
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o:connectortype="straight" />

- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
- <v:shape id="_x0000_s1067" type="#_x0000_t32" style="position:absolute;marginleft:408.35pt;margin-top:221.4pt;width:0;height:22.6pt;z-index:251701248"
<v:stroke endarrow="block" />
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
- <v:shape id="_x0000_s1068" type="#_x0000_t202" style="position:absolute;marginleft:377.2pt;margin-top:244pt;width:107.55pt;height:127.7pt;z-index:251702272">
- <v:textbox style="mso-next-textbox:#_x0000_s1068">
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- <w:pPr>
<w:pStyle w:val="NoSpacing" />
<w:jc w:val="both" />
- <w:r w:rsidRPr="00674EEF">
- <w:rPr>
<w:b />
- <w:r>
<w:t>- (create excise invoice for depot transfer) create this after delivery order has been issued & post
goods issue done. This is created with ref. to the delivery documents.</w:t>
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
- <v:shape id="_x0000_s1069" type="#_x0000_t32" style="position:absolute;marginleft:357.2pt;margin-top:221.4pt;width:0;height:22.6pt;z-index:251698176"

<v:stroke endarrow="block" />
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- <w:pict>
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- <v:textbox style="mso-next-textbox:#_x0000_s1070">
- <w:txbxContent>
- <w:p w:rsidR="00B065A6" w:rsidRDefault="00B065A6" w:rsidP="00B065A6">
- <w:pPr>
<w:jc w:val="both" />
- <w:r w:rsidRPr="00316087">
- <w:rPr>
<w:b />
- <w:r>
<w:t xml:space="preserve">- (create replenishment delivery) this doc. Describes the process
- <w:r w:rsidRPr="00F77475">
- <w:rPr>
<w:b />
- <w:r>
<w:t xml:space="preserve">the goods against stock transfer order. In normal case delivery takes
place from sales order.</w:t>
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>

- <v:shape id="_x0000_s1071" type="#_x0000_t32" style="position:absolute;marginleft:331.35pt;margin-top:198.8pt;width:11.75pt;height:.85pt;z-index:251696128"

<v:stroke endarrow="block" />
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<w:br w:type="page" />
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- <w:r>
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<w:noProof />
<w:lastRenderedPageBreak />
- <w:pict>
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<v:stroke endarrow="block" />
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
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- <v:textbox>
- <w:txbxContent>
- <w:p w:rsidR="00776795" w:rsidRDefault="007B77B3">
- <w:r>
<w:t>Accounting part:</w:t>
- <w:r w:rsidR="00776795">
<w:t xml:space="preserve">(F-02) debit, posting date, GL.NO or (F-03).</w:t>
- <w:r>

- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
- <v:shape id="_x0000_s1074" type="#_x0000_t202" style="position:absolute;marginleft:245pt;margin-top:458.85pt;width:234.3pt;height:185.95pt;z-index:251737088">
- <v:textbox>
- <w:txbxContent>
- <w:p w:rsidR="00AD432E" w:rsidRDefault="00AD432E">
- <w:r w:rsidRPr="00AD432E">
- <w:rPr>
<w:b />
- <w:r>
<w:t>- (creation of ARE-1 under claim for rebate) this is required before dispatching an export
consignment. This provides us minimize the cenvat balance in RG23A PART II / RG23CPART II for
saving the interest losses. We need to record it at our end & during dispatch the no. is being referred
while creating ARE1.</w:t>
- <w:p w:rsidR="00AD432E" w:rsidRDefault="00AD432E">
- <w:r>
<w:tab />
<w:t>Here at the time of creating proforma invoice in condition we will put condition type ZERO
to reduce the excise duty value which IA equal to exile price Ex. Duty.</w:t>
<w:p w:rsidR="00AD432E" w:rsidRDefault="00AD432E" />
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
- <v:shape id="_x0000_s1075" type="#_x0000_t202" style="position:absolute;margin-left:39.75pt;margin-top:-53.75pt;width:227.8pt;height:118.25pt;z-index:251736064">
- <v:textbox>
- <w:txbxContent>
- <w:p w:rsidR="00F32A17" w:rsidRDefault="00F32A17" w:rsidP="00F32A17">
- <w:pPr>
<w:pStyle w:val="NoSpacing" />
- <w:r w:rsidRPr="00F32A17">

- <w:rPr>
<w:b />
- <w:r>
<w:t>- (create independent requirements) this is a very special scenario, when a sales order has to be
created but due to certain constraint normal order cannot be generated:</w:t>
- <w:p w:rsidR="00F32A17" w:rsidRDefault="00F32A17" w:rsidP="00F32A17">
- <w:pPr>
<w:pStyle w:val="NoSpacing" />
- <w:r>
<w:t>1. When the customer name is not specifically known.</w:t>
- <w:p w:rsidR="00F32A17" w:rsidRDefault="00F32A17" w:rsidP="00F32A17">
- <w:pPr>
<w:pStyle w:val="NoSpacing" />
- <w:r>
<w:t>2. When a single order has to be created for multiple customer.</w:t>
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
- <v:shape id="_x0000_s1076" type="#_x0000_t202" style="position:absolute;marginleft:213.85pt;margin-top:327.75pt;width:271.9pt;height:102.15pt;z-index:251735040">
- <v:textbox>
- <w:txbxContent>
- <w:p w:rsidR="00B9207D" w:rsidRDefault="00B9207D">
- <w:r w:rsidRPr="00B9207D">
- <w:rPr>
<w:b />
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>

<w:b />
<w:t xml:space="preserve">(</w:t>
- <w:r w:rsidRPr="00B9207D">
- <w:rPr>
<w:b />
- <w:r>
<w:t xml:space="preserve">-</w:t>
- <w:r w:rsidR="001A5CE3">
<w:t xml:space="preserve">this is required before dispatching a deemed export consignment. The
buyer provides this to get the goods excise duty free. We need to record it our end & during dispatch
the no. is referred while creating ARE-3</w:t>
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
- <v:shape id="_x0000_s1077" type="#_x0000_t32" style="position:absolute;marginleft:75.25pt;margin-top:525.55pt;width:0;height:41.85pt;z-index:251734016"
<v:stroke endarrow="block" />
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
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- <v:textbox>
- <w:txbxContent>
- <w:p w:rsidR="00AF139B" w:rsidRDefault="008E7DE0" w:rsidP="0081063E">
- <w:pPr>
<w:jc w:val="both" />

- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:b />
- <w:r w:rsidR="00AF139B" w:rsidRPr="00AF139B">
- <w:rPr>
<w:b />
- <w:r w:rsidR="00582487">
- <w:rPr>
<w:b />
<w:t xml:space="preserve">(CREATE), J1IBN02 (CHANGE), J1IBN03 (DISPLAY), J1IBN04
(CANCEL), J1IBN05 (CLOSE)</w:t>
- <w:r w:rsidR="008A0ED9">
- <w:rPr>
<w:b />
<w:t xml:space="preserve"></w:t>
- <w:r w:rsidR="00AF139B">
- <w:r w:rsidR="001A20AF">
<w:t xml:space="preserve">(create bond) this is required to be furnished to the govt. as a collateral
security against the non-payment of excise for export consignment.</w:t>
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
- <v:shape id="_x0000_s1079" type="#_x0000_t32" style="position:absolute;marginleft:65.5pt;margin-top:227.8pt;width:.05pt;height:83.85pt;z-index:251725824"
<v:stroke endarrow="block" />

- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
- <v:shape id="_x0000_s1080" type="#_x0000_t202" style="position:absolute;marginleft:188.05pt;margin-top:253.6pt;width:208.5pt;height:38.7pt;z-index:251727872">
- <v:textbox>
- <w:txbxContent>
- <w:p w:rsidR="00322FCA" w:rsidRDefault="00322FCA">
- <w:r w:rsidRPr="00055EF0">
- <w:rPr>
<w:b />
- <w:r>
<w:t>- (create ARE-3 for deemed export) this process is same as that of ARE-1.</w:t>
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
- <v:shape id="_x0000_s1081" type="#_x0000_t32" style="position:absolute;marginleft:85.95pt;margin-top:233.2pt;width:102.1pt;height:39.75pt;z-index:251726848"
<v:stroke endarrow="block" />
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
<v:shape id="_x0000_s1082" type="#_x0000_t5" style="position:absolute;marginleft:59.15pt;margin-top:3in;width:35.45pt;height:37.6pt;flip:y;z-index:251724800" />
- <w:r>

- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
- <v:shape id="_x0000_s1083" type="#_x0000_t202" style="position:absolute;margin-left:28.15pt;margin-top:311.65pt;width:206.55pt;height:95.65pt;z-index:251716608">
- <v:textbox>
- <w:txbxContent>
- <w:p w:rsidR="00E76BBD" w:rsidRDefault="00E76BBD" w:rsidP="00601B5A">
- <w:pPr>
<w:jc w:val="both" />
- <w:r w:rsidRPr="00E76BBD">
- <w:rPr>
<w:b />
- <w:r>
<w:t>-(create ARE-1 for export) this is a mandatory form required to be generated while making
export. This is created with reference to the excise document, so, it create</w:t>
- <w:r w:rsidR="00B47D6F">
- <w:r>
<w:t xml:space="preserve">after the excise invoice gets created.</w:t>
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
- <v:shape id="_x0000_s1084" type="#_x0000_t32" style="position:absolute;marginleft:75.25pt;margin-top:407.3pt;width:0;height:22.6pt;z-index:251723776"
<v:stroke startarrow="block" endarrow="block" />
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />

- <w:pict>
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- <v:textbox>
- <w:txbxContent>
- <w:p w:rsidR="005E4D27" w:rsidRPr="005E4D27" w:rsidRDefault="005E4D27"
- <w:pPr>
<w:jc w:val="both" />
- <w:r w:rsidRPr="00E76BBD">
- <w:rPr>
<w:b />
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:b />
<w:t xml:space="preserve">-</w:t>
- <w:r>
<w:t xml:space="preserve">(update ARE-1 for export)</w:t>
- <w:r w:rsidR="00601B5A">
<w:t>this is done after the goods was physically dispatched & the ARE-1 come backs after necessary
endorsement of the customers authority. By this the duty gets credited in the bond register.</w:t>
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
- <v:shape id="_x0000_s1086" type="#_x0000_t32" style="position:absolute;marginleft:188.05pt;margin-top:160.1pt;width:235.55pt;height:0;flip:x;z-index:251722752"
<v:stroke endarrow="block" />
- <w:r>

- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
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o:connectortype="straight" />
- <w:r>
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<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
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o:connectortype="straight" />
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
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<v:stroke endarrow="block" />
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- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
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<v:stroke endarrow="block" />
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<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
- <v:shape id="_x0000_s1091" type="#_x0000_t32" style="position:absolute;margin-

<v:stroke endarrow="block" />
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- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
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- <v:textbox>
- <w:txbxContent>
- <w:p w:rsidR="00A43492" w:rsidRDefault="00A43492" w:rsidP="00601B5A">
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<w:jc w:val="both" />
- <w:r w:rsidRPr="00A43492">
- <w:rPr>
<w:b />
- <w:r>
- <w:r w:rsidR="00D45392">
<w:t xml:space="preserve"></w:t>
- <w:r w:rsidR="00EE49C8">
<w:t xml:space="preserve">(create domestic excise invoice)</w:t>
- <w:r w:rsidR="00D45392">
<w:t>Process of creating excise invoice against a delivery order, before creating commercial
- <w:p w:rsidR="00D45392" w:rsidRDefault="00D45392" w:rsidP="00601B5A">
- <w:pPr>
<w:pStyle w:val="NoSpacing" />
<w:jc w:val="both" />
- <w:r>
<w:tab />
<w:t xml:space="preserve">This is created with reference to the billing document i.e. the</w:t>

- <w:r w:rsidR="00B9675B">
- <w:r>
<w:t xml:space="preserve">invoice created after the delivery order.</w:t>
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
<v:shape id="_x0000_s1093" type="#_x0000_t32" style="position:absolute;marginleft:198.8pt;margin-top:-69.85pt;width:0;height:209.55pt;z-index:251711488"
o:connectortype="straight" />
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
- <v:shape id="_x0000_s1094" type="#_x0000_t202" style="position:absolute;marginleft:380.4pt;margin-top:-25.8pt;width:105.35pt;height:152.6pt;z-index:251708416">
- <v:textbox>
- <w:txbxContent>
- <w:p w:rsidR="003C4D14" w:rsidRPr="003C4D14" w:rsidRDefault="003C4D14"
- <w:pPr>
<w:jc w:val="both" />
- <w:r w:rsidRPr="003C4D14">
- <w:rPr>
<w:b />
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:b />
<w:t xml:space="preserve">-</w:t>
- <w:r>

<w:t>(capture excise invoice at depot) the goods received at depot against an excise, will have a
transaction to capture the excise at depot</w:t>
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:b />
<w:t xml:space="preserve"></w:t>
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
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<v:stroke endarrow="block" />
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>
<w:noProof />
- <w:pict>
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- <v:textbox>
- <w:txbxContent>
- <w:p w:rsidR="00781C37" w:rsidRPr="00781C37" w:rsidRDefault="00781C37"
- <w:pPr>
<w:jc w:val="both" />
- <w:r w:rsidRPr="00781C37">
- <w:rPr>
<w:b />
- <w:r>
- <w:rPr>

<w:b />
<w:t xml:space="preserve">-</w:t>
- <w:r>
<w:t>(goods receipt at depot) create goods receipt at depot against the stock transfer order created &
subsequent delivery made. This is created with ref. to delivery document.</w:t>
- <w:r w:rsidR="00A22F68">
- <w:sectPr w:rsidR="00B065A6" w:rsidRPr="00B065A6" w:rsidSect="00F306D0">
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" w:qFormat="1" />
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w:qFormat="1" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" w:qFormat="1" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
<w:lsdException w:name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 4" w:semiHidden="0" w:uiPriority="68"
w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />

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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
<w:lsdException w:name="Colorful Shading Accent 5" w:semiHidden="0" w:uiPriority="71"
w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
<w:lsdException w:name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 6" w:semiHidden="0" w:uiPriority="64"
w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
<w:lsdException w:name="Medium List 1 Accent 6" w:semiHidden="0" w:uiPriority="65"

w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
<w:lsdException w:name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 6" w:semiHidden="0" w:uiPriority="68"
w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" w:qFormat="1" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" w:qFormat="1" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" w:qFormat="1" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" w:qFormat="1" />
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w:unhideWhenUsed="0" w:qFormat="1" />
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