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Tuesday Cleveland Observation Summary

Health and Physical Development I have found out LaZariah needs to awaking from nap earlier than she should. LaZariah sometimes uses the bathroom on herself. She also moves to explore immediately in different environments, moves purposefully from place to place with control balance. Shes very alert when seeing different and colorful objects. Social and Emotional Development LaZariah loves reminding the children that it isnt nice to hit someone and you should just walk away. She loves to give a helping hand when putting up supplies, and also, help children put their coats on. Sometimes she needs to be reminded with the rules during activity times, but is very aware and knowledgeable. Language Development and Communication Lazariah speaks in five to six words in a sentence orally. She describes and feels the use of many familiar items, names familiar animals, people and objects. She uses long complex sentences and follows most grammatical rules. Initiates and attends to brief conversations and uses appropriate eye contact, pauses and simple verbal prompts when communicating. Cognitive Development Lazariah sustains interest in working on a task especially when adults offer suggestions, questions and comments. She can return to activities after interruptions, solves problems without having to try every possibility. She also, observes and imitates how other people solve problems using creative and imagination during routine tasks. Approaches to learning

LaZariah uses her everyday experience on what she has learned all week. She knows how to row count to number 20. She can identify name by pointing out and tracing the letter O, D, B, T, I< and L. she can identify on any paper, chart or map. She knows the phonic sounds T, P, A and she knows vocabulary weekly and some sight words. LaZariah loves all subjects and she tends to be very imaginative and adventurous.

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