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Mental Health: Lesson 1, What it Means to Be Mentally Healthy

Type of Work: Indy Product: Snipped Notes (Doc) Class Time: 1 Period EOC: Submit to ePortfolio (Mental Health Lesson 1) Due: Next Period Concept: What does it mean to be mentally healthy? Mental health is a complex concept as it ties in everything from our thoughts and emotions to our behavior. One thing is for certain; mental health is the foundation to personal wellness and its characteristics are protective factors for you on your journey of life. Were not here to discuss what is normal or not but how and to what extent the dimension of mental and emotional health impacts our individual health and behavior. Lesson Link:
Directions: Do only one Level. The information below is only a breakdown of what you will learn at each level in progressing order. Click on the level and it will take you to your own evidence of completion based on level attempted. Complete your questions and delete all other info on page including this to turn in. Snip and enter as your evidence of completion. Save a copy of your doc for your records in case you want to change your snip.

Breakdown of Evidence of Completion Goals/Objectives/Criteria By Level Attempted

1 2 3 4

Level 1 Click Here Level 2 Click Here Level 3 Click Here Level 4 Click Here

Discuss what it means to be mentally healthy. Define each of the five characteristics of a mentally healthy person.

Identify individuals who may be classified as mentally healthy/unhealthy. Define Mental Health.

Discuss the extent in which we have control over the characteristics of mental health. Provide an example of a behavior that demonstrates each of the characteristics of mental health.

Provide examples of behaviors that demonstrate a deficiency in each of the characteristics of mental health

Level 5/Extra Credit/Going Beyond: Option 1: Find a research study that focuses in on one of the characteristics of a healthy person and teens or adults and provide an overview of the results with a link to the article. Option 2: Define Resiliency. What do the characteristics of a mentally healthy person have to do with resiliency? Explain.

Mental Health: Lesson 1, What it Means to Be Mentally Healthy

Type of Work: Indy Product: Snipped Notes (Doc) Class Time: 1 Period EOC: Submit to ePortfolio (Mental Health Lesson 1) Due: Next Period


ABSENT? (For Full Credit Turned in Late): Absent Date=

What does mental health mean? ability to except others and yourself Who is somebody that has good mental health? Barack Obama What makes someone mentally healthy? Define: Self-Esteem: Positive Outlook: Belonging: Purpose: Confidence:
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Mental Health: Lesson 1, What it Means to Be Mentally Healthy

Type of Work: Indy Product: Snipped Notes (Doc) Class Time: 1 Period EOC: Submit to ePortfolio (Mental Health Lesson 1) Due: Next Period


ABSENT? (For Full Credit Turned in Late): Absent Date= Mental Health Continuum

Mentally UnHealthy

Mentally Healthy

Insert a picture of someone who is mentally unhealthy on the left and a picture of someone who is mentally healthy on the right and explain why? Person Who is Mentally Unhealthy Person Who is Mentally Healthy

What makes this person mentally unhealthy?

What makes this person mentally healthy?

Definition of Mental Health (Click Link for Glencoe Definition):The ability to accept yourself.
Five Characteristics of a Mentally Healthy Person According to Glencoe Health (Page 171)

Positive Self Esteem Sense of Belonging Sense of Purpose Positive Oulook Confidence(Autonomy)


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Intro to Wellness: Lesson 7, Attitude is the Father of Behavior

Type of Work: Indy Product: Snipped Notes (Doc) Class Time: 1 Period EOC: Submit to ePortfolio (Mental Health Lesson 1) Due: Next Period


ABSENT (For Full Credit Turned in Late): Absent Date= Mental Health Continuum

Mentally UnHealthy
1 2
Think of Famous People that you would classify as Mentally UnHealthy (1-2) or Mentally Healthy (3-4). Find a picture of each (appropriate) and place them on each side of mentally healthy or unhealthy. Put them in order based on your opinion. While doing this provide 3 characteristics of a mentally healthy or unhealthy person.

Mentally Healthy
3 4

Mentally Unhealthy Characteristics

(NOT the names but their characteristics)

Mentally Healthy Characteristics

(NOT the names but their characteristics)

1. 2. 3. Definition of Mental Health (Click Link for Glencoe Definition): Characteristic Definition

1. 2. 3.

Five Characteristics of a Mentally Healthy Person According to Glencoe Health (Page 171)

Control Rating

Someone with this characteristic does this.

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Mental Health: Lesson 1, What it Means to Be Mentally Healthy

Type of Work: Indy Product: Snipped Notes (Doc) Class Time: 1 Period EOC: Submit to ePortfolio (Mental Health Lesson 1) Due: Next Period

NAME:Adrian siaw PERIOD:2

ABSENT? (For Full Credit Turned in Late): Absent Date= Mental Health Continuum

Mentally UnHealthy
1 2 3
Think of Famous People that you would classify as Mentally UnHealthy (1-3) or Mentally Healthy (4-6). Find a picture of each (appropriate) and place them on each side of mentally healthy or unhealthy. Put them in order based on your opinion. While doing this provide 5 characteristics of a mentally healthy or unhealthy person.

Mentally Healthy
4 5 6

Characteristics of a Mentally Unhealthy Person

(NOT the names of mentally healthy people but their characteristics)

Characteristics of a Mentally Healthy Person

(NOT the names of mentally healthy people but their characteristics)

1.psycotic behavior 2.drastic mood swings 3.abuse 4. changes 5.negative attitude Definition of Mental Health (Click Link for Glencoe Definition): Characteristic
Positive self esteem Your self-worth

1.controled emotions 2.self esteem 3.positive attitude 4.stedy moods 5.positive outlook

Five Characteristics of a Mentally Healthy Person According to Glencoe Health (Page 171)



Someone with this characteristic does this.
Respects them self

Someone without this characteristic does this.

Sense of belonging Sense of purpose Positive outlook antonomy

Feeling like you are wanted where you are A reason for being here How you feel about what happens to you The confidence to make good dissensions

4 8 2 2

Feeling safe where your at Knows what they want to do Thinking only bad things happen to you Doesnt give in to peer pressure

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