Technical Evaluation of Land Use Hauls Road Conditions To Increase Production PT - BUKIT ASAM (Persero) TBK

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Bahria Riski 53081002017 Faculty of Engineering Department of Mining Engineering Sriwijaya University 2012 Email: ABSTRACT Road is one of thing which is very important in mining activities. Haul roads are good if it can fulfill the basic functions of providing optimum services for vehicles, which operate on it. The road is also being a factor that affects production because; if the geometry of existing roads does not conform to existing standards will decrease the production of income. It happened in the Air Laya White headed Dumping Area Tupak within 4.6 km. Where in May, June, July and August production target land transport only reached 76% of the total target of 1.4 million BCM. It is necessary do the improvement efforts such as road geometry, additional road width on cornering conditions, improvements in front, up the steep road grade reduction. . The geometry of the road that does not meet the standards in the segment QR (-12.19%), ST (-8.96%), UV (-11.91%), which has a steep grade needs to be improved with the accumulation of 23,231.44 m3. Then the width of the road in cornering conditions needs to increase the width of 2 meters wide front multiplication and addition of 1 meter. With the expected improvement efforts ground transport travel times can be faster, so that mobility Scannia P380 CB dump truck that can be used optimally. Where the calculation rimpul analysis after production target improvement efforts 1,371,946.85 BCM has yet to reach the target, it is necessary to work 12hour increments in order to achieve production targets.

Keywords: road conditions, Geometric roads, Grade roads, Dump truck production, analysis rimpul.

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