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ISTEP+ Graduation Examination

2010-2011 ECA Cut Scores (Scale Scores) Subject Pass Pass Plus Algebra I 564-664 665 and above English 10 360-588 589 and above Biology 509-645 646 and above ** These cut scores will remain the same from year-to-year. Performance by Standard To demonstrate mastery for individual standards, a student must attain at least these scores or higher. These scores will change yearly. Algebra I Linear Equations and Inequalities Sketching and Interpreting Graphs Systems of Linear Equations Polynomials Quadratic Equations English 10 Reading Comprehension Writing Applications Biology Molecules and Cells Developmental and Organismal Biology Genetics Evolution & Historical Perspective Ecology Score at Passing 46 34 41 50 24 Score at Passing 56 63 Score at Passing 59 47 54 64 68

NOTE: The Pass/Fail determination is based on the overall scale score, not the Individual Standard Mastery Scores. It is possible for a student to master the standards and NOT earn a Pass rating for the overall exam. Conversely, it is possible for a student to not master a standard or standards and earn a Pass rating for the overall exam.

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