Notes To Complete The Political Parties

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Use these notes to complete the political parties pages

Alexander Hamilton the Head of The Federalist Party

Hamilton's Views helped shape the Federalist Party On Human Nature: people are selfish and out for themselves. On Leadership: The country should be ruled by the best people- educated, wealthy, public spirited men On State versus national strength: Favored a strong central government, states rights were not as important On Economy: Wanted to promote business, manufacturing, and trade On creating a National Bank: A bank would create a stable currency and be able to give loans to new businesses On Allying with Foreign nations: Hamilton admired the British strengths and hoped to ally with them for business proposes.
Banks and manufacturing will make this country strong.

Thomas Jefferson the head of the Democratic-Republican Party. Jeffersons Views helped shape the Republican Party On Human Nature: He assumed that an informed citizen could make good decisions for themselves and their country. On Leadership: The best government was one that governed the least, they believed in strict construction of the constitution. It says what it says no more no less. On State versus national strength: State governments were closer to the people so they should be in control. On Economy: Favored an economy based on agriculture On creating a National Bank: Federal Banks were anti-farmer and unconstitutional On Allying with Foreign nations: Supported France-a few noble heads was a small price to pay for liberty.
Agriculture will secure the blessings of liberty for every citizen.

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