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Les Miserables

The best film of last Christmas

Les Misrables is one of the most amazing stories ever written by anyone, and with Boublil and Schnbergs soundtrack, it must be the most successful films hade ver played in cinemas. In this film you can see the life after the Napoleonic era. It was the time when Jean Valjean (Hugh Jackman) got the liberty fron the most mischeavous policemen who has ever met, Javert (Russel Crowe). When he dissapeard, Javert tried to find him. Valjean decided to change his name and he was known as Monsier Madelein. He was a major and had a weaving, where Fantine (Anne Hataway) worked. She was dimissed. Cosette (Amanda Seyfried), her daughter, was gave to Valjean when she died. A lot of years after, Cosette fall in love of Marius (Eddie Redmayne), a revolutionary man. They marry after a battle for the liberty of France. In this film the most amaizing thing is the soundtrack, made by the actors in the set, while they were acting. This is a epic story about all the important things in life: love, friends and libertity.

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