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For e-mail and tutor letter home Omak School District will be holding the next Title VII/JOM.

Parent Advisory Committee Meeting on February 21st at 5:10 p.m. at the Omak School Districts Superintendents Ofce Board Room. Parents, students, community, and school staff are invited and encouraged to attend. Agenda items include building reports, Title VII and JOM program/budget status, program updates, student highlights, review of student learning objectives, updates to Title VII grant application, and PAC board member status. Visitor input is welcome. For more information, please contact Racie McKee at 826-7680 or

Racie McKee Project Director/Grant Writer Omak School District POBox 833 Omak, WA 98841 Ofce: 509.826.7680 Mobile: 509.429.2431 Fax: 509.826.7689

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