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Process Paper The Russian Revolution and its Effects Brandon Schuman & Rachael Wagner

For our National History Day project theme Turning Points in History: People, Ideas, Events, we chose to study the Russian Revolution following the start of the twentieth century. We chose this topic because in our previous world studies, this event had stood out to both of us as a point in history that later affected much of the world. This event is also an area of intrigue for both of us so it was pleasant to discover it fit the National History Day theme so well this year. We conducted our research using reliable internet sources and descriptions to find primary sources and analyses, as well as consulting our school and local libraries. We live near to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus and Rachaels parents have access to the university libraries, and they provided a valuable sources and insight to our project. We selected our presentation category by analyzing each one carefully. We eliminated a paper and exhibit easily due to restrictions on each, and finally decided on a website over a documentary or a performance due to our skills and experience with design. We also thought it would be more long-lasting and relevant for years to come. Our project, The Russian Revolution and its Effects fits the theme Turning Points in History: People, Ideas, Events because of how the Revolution affected World War I, the ideals of communism and their installment, and how Russia itself transformed into a world power. World War I affected the entire world, and before World War II, it was called the Great War due to its enormity as it influenced the lives of millions of people.

Communism had been a popular idea ever since Karl Marx had written The Communist Manifesto in 1848, but had never had its ideals put into practice until the Russian Revolution- it left a profound mark on the world still seen today. The lands of Russia later became the United Soviet States of Russia, or the USSR, and it was one of the leading world powers for many years, influencing world events such as World War II, economic, weapons, culture and science. These changes and ideals display how the Russian Revolution was a turning point in history.

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