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Achillea millefolium
here are over 85 species of perennials belonging to this genus. Yarrow is a very ancient herb. Legend has it that at the battle of Troy, Achilles packed the wounds of his soldiers with yarrow to stem the flow of blood, hence the name Achillea. Since then Yarrow has said to have been used through many wars to help control bleeding. This led to a common name of Soldiers Woundwort. Masters of I Ching, the book of changes, cast 50 straight stems of yarrow to assist in answering the questions of the future. Druids used stems of yarrow to help divine the seasonal weather in Europe. Yarrow was a very important medicinal herb for the American Indians who found many uses for the plant. PARTS USED Leaves, Flowers PROPERTIES An astringent herb that reduces inflammation, increases perspiration and can stem blood flow. USES OF THE HERB Medicinal Yarrows are still used medicinally today. An infusion made of yarrow will induce sweating to help reduce fever. A volatile oil in yarrow has been shown to have anti-inflammatory actions with some wounds. Yarrow should only be taken in moderation and not for long periods as it may cause skin irritations. It should not be taken by pregnant women.



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Decorative Flower heads can be collected and dried for arranging with other dried flowers. Plants can be planted in the flower garden for an attractive display of flowers in late spring/summer. Cosmetic An infusion of dried leaves are recommended to add to lotions and creams. Economic This plant yields a green wool dye. Yarrow is an excellent compost activator and 2-3 leaves can break-up a bin of raw compost.

HERB HERBERT P/L PO Box 24 Monbulk Victoria 3793 AUSTRALIA E-mail:

CULTIVATION Prefers well-drained soil in full sun, however it is extremely versatile and will survive in most soil types. Being a prolific grower, divide yarrow clumps when they become overcrowded. HARVEST Cut leaves as required, they are at their best when plant is close to flowering. Cut flowering stems for drying when fully open.

Height 30cm-50cm (12-20in) x Spread 30cm (12in)


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