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THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Applying the theory of 14 basic human needs of Virginia Henderson, this portion gives a clear picture

of theoretical framework utilized in the study, some factors that affect sleep pattern of patients in Bulacan Medical Center. Virginia Henderson attempted to identify those basic human needs viewed as the basis of nursing care. These needs include the need to main physiologic balance, to adjust in environment, to communicate and participate in social interaction, and to worship according to ones faith. And sleep is one of the physiologic components of this theory. Henderson (1997) stated, It is equally important to realize that these needs are satisfied by infinitely varied patterns of living no two or which are alike. Henderson beliefs about health were related to human functioning. A good health is a challenging goal for individuals. She argued that it is difficult for the nurse to help the person reach it. (Henderson 1966) She explained how factors of environment, age, cultural background, physical and intellectual capacities, and emotional balance affect ones health. These conditions are always present and affect basic needs. The nurse who operates under a definition that specifies an area of independent practice or an area of expertness, must assume responsibility for identifying problems, for continually validating her function, for improving methods she use, and for measuring the effect of nursing care. (Henderson 1966) This Theory was chosen as our theoretical framework because the researchers wanted to know that sleep as one of the physiologic needs is affected by some factors including lifestyle, personality and environment. This need must attain by assisting individuals to maintain health or prevent illness. Assisting individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery that an individual would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will or knowledge. ( Henderson)

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