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-APPROVEDCommittee: United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs Main Submitter: Iran Co-sponsors: Syria, PLO, Libya, Malaysia, Pakistan,

Sweden, South Africa, Argentina, Ukraine, Kosovo) The General Assembly, Reaffirming the importance of national sovereignty and territorial integrity of each state as stated in the United Nations Charter, Recognizing the important role of the international community in enforcing regional and international security, Deeply disturbed by the abuse of foreign military bases, Desiring nations to reconsider the need of Foreign Military Bases in the modern era, Fully aware that the Foreign Military Bases will not dissolve all at once, Realizing the consequences that the judicial loopholes of Status of Force Agreements might cause on host nations, 1 2 Reminds nations to respect every single nations law and security measures; Calls upon nations to stop any further establishment of any type of Foreign Military Bases; Suggests establishing a timeline to gradually phase out Foreign Military Bases, especially military bases that serve the purpose of fighting on battlefields; Calls for further discussion in reforming the Status of Force Agreements to establish a clearer and fairer guideline and mode of conduct to ensure rights of host nations; Urges nations to regulate the behaviour of forces outside the base should any criminal offense arise, by means including but not limited to: a Abolish the immunity of soldiers outside the Foreign Military Bases so as that they will abide by the law; b Allow all host nations to hold the highest rights of jurisdiction should the need arise; Urges all nations to limit and regulate the amount and types of weapons allowed in a Foreign Military Base, including but not limited to:

a b 7

heavy weapons , such as recoilless weapons, mortars, or; weapons of mass destruction, such as nuclear materials, ballistic missiles;

Requests all sending nations to bear responsibilities for any environmental damages (i.e. damages caused during the establishment or any issues related to the base when in operation) and for any violation of human rights (e.g. forced migration of locals without compensations); Requests establishment of a committee to monitor Status of Force Agreements in order to : a ensure there are no breaches in the affirmed guidelines; b deal with problems related Guidelines and codes of conduct; Calls for nations to support The International Network for the Abolition of Foreign Military Bases (No- base network) and aid it to become a UN recognized organization;

10 Further requests for a raise of transparency of the military bases in order to ensure the national safety of host nations; Decides to remain actively seized on that matter.

-APPROVEDCommittee: United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs Main Submitter: Israel Co-sponsors: The Republic of the Philippines, The Federal Republic of Nigeria, Turkey, Georgia, United States of America, Kuwait, The Republic of Korea, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Uganda, India The General Assembly, Recognising the importance of foreign military bases and their effect in working towards achieving the millennium goals, Acknowledging that countries may regard foreign military bases as a breach in national sovereignty, Aware that regulations must be established in order to achieve international stability and peace, safeguard economic interest overseas and protect civilian populations, Expecting host countries of such foreign military bases to have the responsibility to uphold regulations, Bearing in mind the problems that arise from foreign military bases, 1 Necessitates the establishment of new foreign military bases to meet requirements including but not limited to: a mutual agreement from both countries; b clearly stated purposes and aims of such bases; c presence of a UN branch to: i regulate the agreement in order to prevent forced subjugation of less powerful countries; ii report to if their freedom and sovereignty is being unjustly compromised; d specify consequences when terms of the agreement are breached; Urges member states to combat problems like rape, cultural contamination, abuse of nature reserves, etc. brought about by foreign military bases by means such as but not limited to: a restricting the creation of foreign military bases to areas isolated from civilians with enough access to food, shelter and clothing; b Rules and regulations on soldiers stationed in foreign military bases to limited diplomatic privileges they enjoy; c trials in host countries on soldiers in case they break rules;

Implores foreign military bases to perform the following actions, including but not limited to: a local military training; b provision of accommodations for one or more units; c shelter for military equipment and personnel; d keep peace in the region; Suggests reforming existing military bases according to the above clauses if but not limited to: a the UN branch mentioned in clause 1, sub-clause c finds any breach in rules; b If the host country finds any violation in the contract;

Wishes to remain actively seized on this matter.

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