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From You to 58 Families in Need

Tsunami+10 is exploring the legacy of the 2004 tsunami and identifying pressing needs today. Help us raise $10,000 for Sri Lankan villagers and youth. Learn more at

1. New preschool gear, playground and well for Neethipuram Village in the former conflict zone.
US$4,805, with Foundation of Goodness (FOG) The only preschool for up to 35 kids Families earn about a mere $100/month Leverages a separate donation for the building Doubles as community center for 58 families Neethipuram is central to FOGs strategy in the North; theyve already built toilets, provided school supplies, and funded 5 women-run microenterprises.

Why Give to Neethipuram? Targeted: we know the 181

individuals your support will help Track Record: Foundation of Goodness is a superstar charity Value: $25 or more will make a difference Stewardship: Well tell you their stories and what happens.

2. Fuel all-Sri Lanka youth reconciliation and opportunity

US$5,000+, with Sri Lanka Unites Runs youth clubs in Sri Lankas 25 districts all regions and ethnicities Creating 300 youth jobs in Mullaitivu, a heavy rebel hotspot with limited opportunities today Supports a grassroots youth campaign to stop harassment of women Runs Future Leaders Conference

Donate Now
to the Tsunami Renewal Fund at Give2Asia*

* Our fund sponsor, Give2Asia, is an established tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit governed by an independent board and which conducts extensive due diligence on all projects. Check them out.

Appendix 1: Who Lives in Neethipuram Village?

GIRLS 53 56 34



2 disabled girls 1 lady with a plastic foo 1 blind person



T 7

6 males over 62 years; 5 females over 62 years of age; w/ one 98 yearold woman



Appendix 2: FOGs Village Assessment, fyi

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